Exposed – Andy Burnham Facilitates Lefty Lawyers Asylum Scam

andy burnham

Guest post from council insider and Nationalist guest correspondent – ‘Frustrated’ .

At last, Rishi Sunak and Suella Braverman have rightly accused the Labour Party of being on the same side as the criminal gangs and shady left-wing lawyers that make a mint from illegal immigration! Furthermore, on July 30th 2023, former Home Secretary, Priti Patel, told GB News that the Government needs to clamp down on dodgy left-wing lawyers in order to stop illegal immigration.

Labourites are livid at being accused of supporting illegal immigration because the truth hurts! The Tories accusations followed a damning undercover investigation by the Daily Mail newspaper into greedy, politically motivated left-wing lawyers exploiting weaknesses in Britain’s asylum system that enables illegal immigrants to win their overwhelmingly bogus asylum claims at the expense of British taxpayers.

It shows our asylum backlog results from left-wing activists’ promotion of diversity and LGBTQ rights that make it near impossible to legally reject asylum claims from overwhelmingly economic migrants. The Daily Mail’s expose shows crooked, lefty lawyers advising illegal immigrants to lie and claim that they are persecuted because they are gay, trans or are from some minority religious or ethnic group. Even arranging a fake British marriage partner was hinted at as a ruse to avoid deportation!

The Conservative Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, wrote in the Daily Mail on July 25th 2023, that their undercover investigation into these corrupt left-wing lawyers was “extremely shocking and shows why it has been hard for the Government to remove people who have no right to be here”.

The Home Secretary, Suella Braverman added, “We know there are some lawyers who are ideologically opposed to illegal-immigration controls. They have said so, proudly. They’ve gone to town in using domestic law, international law and other conventions to prevent the removal of small-boat entrants and even foreigners convicted of heinous crimes including murder and rape.”

British Nationalists have also exposed Labour’s collusion with their lefty lawyer friends in aiding illegal migrants to remain in Britain, in order to advance their Marxist, multiracial, borderless world agenda.

In April 2023, this website exposed a confidential letter by the Greater Manchester Mayor, Andy Burnham, sent to the Home Secretary Suella Braverman, showing Labour’s collusion with their liberal and left-wing lawyer allies, that facilitates this lucrative trade in illegal migrant claims at the expense of British taxpayers.

In March 2023, Salford Councillor Wilson Nkurunziza, revealed this GMPA letter by re-posting a tweet sent to him by Salford Mayor Paul Dennett with this message: “Andy Burnham and myself today signed a letter to Secretary of State, Rt, Hon. Suella Braverman, raising grave concerns on the Government’s initiation and management of streamlined asylum processing in GM from 23 February. The new procedures will place severe pressures on (legal and homelessness) services.”

The letter by Burnham and Dennett reveals Labour’s devotion to enabling as many dodgy illegal migrants as possible to win their bogus asylum claims with the financial legal aid support of left-wing lawyers.

They urged Braverman to “fully review the Legal Aid system to ensure it is (still) fit for purpose” and to give more time for ‘asylum seekers’ to “access scarce (legal) advice in order to protect their claim” and “not have their claims (and associated legal and financial support) withdrawn” even if they do not bother to return their fast-track asylum questionnaires in the required time!

Andy Burnham clearly wants to increase funding for his lefty lawyer allies so that they can appeal against any failed asylum claims and delay deportations until an incoming Labour government can then grant these illegal migrants refugee status or even amnesty in a ‘sanctuary city’ like Salford.


Top Image: A. Burnham with Sadiq Khan from his Facebook page.
Lower Image: A. Burnham from his Facebook page.

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