42 Men Who Are ‘Not Fit To Walk Our Streets’

Huddersfield: Five men jailed for further child sex offences

A West Yorkshire Police investigation into child sex abuse in Huddersfield has resulted in the convictions of 42 men. Operation Tendersea covered incidents from 1995 to 2013, and resulted in the grooming gang receiving sentences of more than 500 years.

The five men in court for sentencing last Thursday had all been previously convicted for their roles in the Huddersfield grooming gang. They were found guilty at Leeds Crown Court last February of further offences involving a young girl. The abuse started when she was just 14-years-old. Appearing at Bradford Crown Court on April 13, the five were jailed for a combined total of 28 years.

Abdul Rehman, Mohammed Kammer, Nahman Mohammed, Wiqas Mahmud and Mohammed Imran Ibrar, were all found guilty at a trial of offences including rape and supplying drugs. The men, who abused the girl between 2005 and 2010, started when the victim was just 14 years old.

Detective Chief Inspector Ian Thornes, of West Yorkshire Police, said the operation was a major investigation into “what has been truly evil sexual abuse”.

“These were vulnerable young teenage girls who endured utterly sickening offences committed by persons who demonstrated standards of behaviour which means they are not fit to walk the streets.”

The names and sentences of the five are as follows:

Abdul Rehman, 36, from Sheffield, sentenced to three years and 11 months. Convicted of two offences of engaging in or facilitating a child sex offence and supplying drugs.

Mohammed Kammer, 38, from Huddersfield, sentenced to seven years and six months. Convicted of three rape offences and one trafficking for sexual exploitation offence.

Nahman Mohammed, 37, from Huddersfield, sentenced to seven years. Convicted of two rape offences and trafficking for sexual exploitation.

Wiqas Mahmud, 42, from Huddersfield, sentenced to six years and three months. Convicted of one rape offence.

Mohammed Imran Ibrar, 38, from Huddersfield, sentenced to five years. Convicted of sexual assault and one rape offence.

VIDEO – I Was Born In Britain

A powerful and moving Nationalist video about the suffering inflicted on our children by the grooming gangs.


All Images: West Yorkshire Police.

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