Anger In Liverpool – Enough Is Enough!

demo at Knowsley, Merseyside

Last night a demonstration outside of the Suites Hotel in Knowsley, near Liverpool, turned to anger as up to 400 people turned out to protest about the hotel being used to house economic migrants who have illegally ‘invaded’ this country.

In scenes reminiscent of the anger building up in Ireland over the same issue, a police Matrix van was set on fire after initially being vandalised with graffiti. Missiles were thrown at the police, but it is not clear by whom, as the extreme-left were also holding their own counter-demonstration.

The protest was sparked by the release of a video showing a 15-year-old schoolgirl being sexually propositioned by a 25-year-old asylum seeker. The incident which was caught on camera and shared on social media, shows a man speaking to a teenager girl on Cherryfield Drive, Kirkby. It is believed that the girl was approached at around 4.40pm, near to Kirkby Leisure Centre. See the video link below.

Video link (opens in a new tab) – watch the video on Twitter here >>

Counter-demonstrators from assorted left-wing groups including Stand Up To Racism organised a counter protest to defend refugees and oppose the ‘Far Right’.

The cause of the trouble – a 25-year-old asylum seeker propositioning a schoolgirl.

“We can’t imagine the terror of the people inside the hotel. Far right protestors have set fire to a police van”.

Care4Calais spokesman. What about the 15-year-old schoolgirl? Or doesn’t she count?

The main stream media, as is to be expected, attacked the demonstrators, with the tabloid Daily Star going over the top: ‘Full scale riot’ in Merseyside as police van scorched and streets turn to warzone”. The rest of the report carried on in a similar vein:

“Shocking scenes around the Suites Hotel in Knowsley, near Liverpool, with a police van on fire, roads closed and people ordered to leave the area after ‘fascist’ demonstrators and counterdemonstrators clashed.

“Reports have come in that say that a 400-strong demonstration made up of ‘fascists’ was met with several counter demonstrators. Protestors were filmed chanting “get them out” as they set fire to police vans, with some carrying signs reading “this is our city”.

Protesters set fire to police van outside Knowsley asylum seeker hotel

Predictably, the issue of the asylum seeker propositioning the child was ignored by the left who were falling over themselves to condemn the concerned locals who attended the demo.

Liverpool city region mayor Steve Rotheram said he would visit the hotel on Saturday to make clear that “The disturbing scenes in Knowsley aren’t representative of our area or its people. Hatred is not welcome here.”

Knowsley MP Sir George Howarth (Labour), said the demonstration was triggered by “an alleged incident on social media” and criticised misinformation claiming refugees were “feather-bedded” inside the hotel.

In a statement released on Twitter he said: “I have referred an alleged incident posted on social media, which has triggered a demonstration outside the Suites Hotel, to Merseyside Police and Knowsley Council.

“Those demonstrating against refugees at this protest tonight do not represent this community. We are not like that and overwhelmingly behave with sympathy and kindness to others regardless of where they come from.”

Merseyside Police said a protest and counter protest in Ribblers Lane was initially peaceful, but during the evening there have been reports of missiles being thrown.

Care4Calais, the NGO believed to be funded by George Soros (born György Schwartz), said that some of its workers were trapped in the car park of the hotel. A spokesperson for the group said: “We are deeply distressed that a far-right protest in Knowsley has led to riots.”


Main Image: Unknown.
Asylum seeker and girl: Twitter.

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1 comment
  1. The corrupt media have put their foot into it over this protest, the people in Liverpool have now experienced how the gutter press lie first hand. They are more interested in smearing the so-called far right than reporting about the kiddie fiddlers. Incidentally, not a squeak about Antifa torching the p9lice van.

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