Millom – Why Are They Trying To House Migrants In A Small Coastal Town?

anti-racist Cumbria

What Has the North-West Done to Deserve This?

Anti Racist Cumbria is a politically motivated organisation, in fact a registered charity, “created in response to Black Lives Matter.” Anti Racist Cumbria was first established in 2020 and is based in Ambleside with offices in the grounds of the University of Cumbria

Such a close tie with an academic organisation or being based on a college campus is not unusual for a cultural Marxist organisation. The agenda of the organisation is boldly spelled out in their promotional statements, their intention is “Making Cumbria the UK’s first actively anti-racist county.”

In its opening statement of introduction on its website, Anti Racist Cumbria tries to make itself sound like an organisation dedicated to law and order and social cohesion: “In Cumbria, in the year to March 2022 Home Office statistics evidenced a 28 percent increase in recorded hate crimes. Sadly, a person’s ‘race’ or ethnicity remains by far the most common motivator for a hate crime to be committed, more than half of Cumbria’s hate crimes are racially motivated. We believe we are at a turning point and that our beloved Cumbria has an historic opportunity to become the UK’s first actively anti-racist county.”

A very Cultural Marxist agenda, even, as their own publications admit, the population of Cumbria as a whole is 98% White, and the city of Carlisle is 97.7% White. The obvious message here is that Cumbria will be the first actively “anti-racist” county in the UK, whether the majority population likes it or not.

Moreover, it is obvious that the political Left, operating their multiculturalist programme through Anti Racist Cumbria, seeks to influence the population of the county, especially the future generations of Cumbrians, hence the emphasis placed on so-called ‘anti-racist projects’ in schools and colleges.

In a statement of the obvious, Anti Racist Cumbria admits: “Though many schools in Cumbria don’t have any Black, Brown or minoritised pupils that is changing rapidly and regardless of colour, all children benefit from anti-racism. A young white person here could quite feasibly not meet a Black or Brown person until later life, have only fleeting encounters or gain their understanding through the media alone. How important it is then that they are encouraged and educated to acknowledge and respect Black and Brown people’s contribution to society and indeed Cumbria itself and understand that tackling racism is relevant to them too.”

In other words, any personal beliefs on nationality, race or religion that differ from the Anti Racist Cumbria narrative will not be tolerated and will be “educated” out of young minds.

Anti Racist Cumbria openly admits that it is targeting over 350 schools across Cumbria and has already got its “projects” up and running in 80 schools. It has its sights set on schools in Carlisle, the Copeland district, Barrow in Furness, Workington and has already involved some schools in what it calls ‘Summer Projects’.

“Our approach takes in five main areas which are laid out here, these help identify and dismantle racism and embed anti-racism into the structures of the county whilst educating and engaging our predominantly White communities with anti-racism and uplifting the experiences, contributions and voices of our Black and Brown communities.

“Our approach leaves space for those organisations who work in other areas such as multiculturalism, diversity and inclusion, important and valid work which can enhance the work of anti-racism but cannot solve racism alone. An anti-racist society is good for everyone, somewhere no one is left behind.

“Our work in the Education sector began back in October 2020, when almost 80 Cumbrian schools pledged to become actively anti-racist following Anti Racist Cumbria’s online Race and Education event. In 2021/22, 30 of these schools went on to complete audits under a pilot process funded by Cumbria County Council’s Education Department.

“Following on from the results of this pilot, Copeland & Cumbria County Council funded an Anti Racist Education Lead (AREL) for 6 months, who then continued to work with a selection of schools, schools mainly within Copeland developing their action plans and supporting their anti-racism.”

The reality is that although most of those schools have no ethnic minority students in their class rooms, the Marxists behind the Anti Racist Cumbria initiative want all the schools in Cumbria to have a ‘progressive’ programme towards multiculturalism and a multi-racial society, so the kids have to be “conditioned” to accept that future situation.

What better way to prepare the White British population for the multi-racial future envisaged in the Great Replacement than to ‘brainwash’ an entire generation of Cumbrian schoolchildren into accepting such a change to the population of their country and their county.

One of the first highly publicised campaigns was aimed at Carlisle when there were protests against the proposed housing of migrants and ‘asylum-seekers in a Carlisle hotel complex. This did not suit the Leftist agenda, because the multiculturalists would like to shift the population of the city into being more multi-racial, the Left hates the fact that the population of Carlisle, as stated above, is 97.7% White.


Millom is a small, coastal town with very limited resources, yet outrage has erupted locally over plans to house up to 40 migrants (asylum-seekers/refugees/illegal immigrants) in the town. Millom has limited local facilities and a total population of less than 6,000. The population data for Millom is 98.7% White.

Without any level of local consultation, at least eight run down properties in the town were being transformed into multi-occupancy dwellings by a building company allegedly under contract with SERCO on behalf of the Home Office. At the end of January 2024, a number of the target houses were vandalised overnight with graffiti hostile to the migrants daubed on the outer walls.

‘Not Wanted Here! Locals make their feelings know.

Local, regional and national newspapers have covered this story and here are a few excerpts: “A Home Office spokesperson said they ‘condemn’ any vandalism in the ‘strongest possible terms.’ It said: “We condemn any vandalism in the strongest possible terms. We have always been upfront about the unprecedented pressure being put on our asylum system, brought about by a significant increase in dangerous and illegal journeys into the country over recent years.”

“The Home Office has a duty to provide safe and secure housing for asylum seekers and we are continuing to work closely with local authorities in Millom, to manage any impact in the area and address the local communities’ concerns.”

“Locals of a tiny Cumbria town in the grips of a housing shortage have reacted with fury to plans to use eight homes to house asylum seekers – as police increase patrols after the accommodation was vandalised. The properties in the remote seaside town of Millom – where a terraced house can be bought for below £100,000 – are set to be converted into Houses Of Multiple Occupancy (HMOs). Under the plans, the homes will be used to put up around 40 newcomers from overseas, with developers apparently in line for annual returns of up to 15% on their investment costs. Earlier this week, graffiti appeared on the side of one of the houses under renovation which read, ‘not welcome scum’, in large black letters.”

“The furore began in January with the posting of a video on social media by developers BH Property Investments, which has close links to leading asylum accommodation providers Serco and Mears. The proposals are opposed by the local council and mayor as well as many local residents on the basis there is already a shortage of homes and infrastructure for existing residents.

“Angry locals say there isn’t the infrastructure to house asylum seekers, with the local police station shut down and public services stretched to the brink. Opponents to the developments say no one was consulted as properties were bought up en masse by developers who then sought lucrative Government-backed contracts to redevelop them.”

Readers of this article can be sure that Anti Racist Cumbria will soon be sticking its cultural Marxist snout into Millom and will be pouring its expensive and professionally produced propaganda into the town, together with a campaign to pave the way for asylum seekers to be accepted in the community.

The local outrage at the underhand renovation of local housing stock and the planned importation of so many asylum-seekers into Millom is exactly the kind of situation in which Anti Racist Cumbria involves itself, reputedly in the interests of “Diversity, Equality Inclusion and Tolerance.” Whether the local population likes it or not.

Finally, not shy about bullying and silencing those who do not fall into line with their thinking, two years ago it was an ‘anti-racist activist’ working in the local media in the North-West who was quick to report young activists from British Movement Cumbria to the PREVENT organisation and the police, ensuring that their homes were visited, and in the case of one young teenage activist, their parents pressured into stopping the youngster’s political activities.

Needless to say, the young activists of BM Cumbria had not broken any laws, but were heavily pressured to end all activities and to cease supporting British Movement, and shut down their social media and on-line presence. Such a rapid response to unwelcome ‘racist’ activity is a feature of the ‘work’ of Anti Racist Cumbria.

There is no such thing as freedom of political thought and expression in Cumbria, especially if it runs counter to the long-term plans and strategy of Anti Racist Cumbria.


Top Images: Anti Racist Cumbria,
Millom Image: Public Domain.
Video: Youtube.

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