Successful Meeting In West Yorkshire

bm meeting in west yorks

The British Movement held a successful meeting in West Yorkshire last weekend. A number of speakers kept the meeting informed and entertained and included a comrade from the BMWD, the British Movements Women’s Division. A number of activists from other racial Nationalist organisations were also present.

Despite a slow start to the year due to the knock-on effects of the lock down, all of the speakers and members in attendance were determined to step-up the creation of our National Socialist alternative society.

Amongst the reports given to the meeting, was one on Looking After Our Own, the BM social welfare campaign. It has raised over £27,000 so far to help out members and supporters who were facing hardship. In the past year it has distributed aid to families of BM political prisoners, helped with the costs surrounding bereavement, and supported members who have fallen on hard times due to no fault of their own.

In a show of Nationalist solidarity, the meeting also donated £200 to a well-known racial Nationalist, who has recently had his home attacked by red terrorists. The money, though not a great amount, will help repair some of the damage committed by the Marxist thugs.

The final address was from the BM’s National Secretary.

Volunteers from the BMWD provided a buffet which was snapped up by the hungry audience. The meeting ended with a musical set by Benny and Paul from the band Whitelaw.

Looking After Our Own – the BM’s Social Welfare arm.

The British Movement would love to receive articles for possible inclusion on this site from members and supporters across the North of England. Please remember that we have to operate within the laws of this country – we will not include any content that is against the current laws of the United Kingdom. News reports should be topical and be relevant to the regions covered by this website.

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