The 25-Points: Are They Still Relevant In 2023?

25-point National Socialist Programme

On February 24, 1920, Adolf Hitler presented the new 25-point programme to the first public meeting of the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei in Munich’s Hofbräuhaus Festsaal. Just two months later, in April 1920, the DAP changed its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP).

When he asked that the audience pass judgement on each point as he elaborated on it, “one after another was accepted with steadily mounting joy, unanimously and again unanimously and when the last thesis had found its way to the heart of the masses, there stood before me”, wrote Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf, “a hall full of people united by a conviction, a new faith, a new will”.

In this new video, which was recorded in Spanish but with English subtitles, Spanish National Socialist Isabel Peralta discusses the 25-point programme of the National Socialist Party and its continuing relevance in 2023. In September 2023, Isabel shared a platform with our National Secretary at the Heritage & Destiny annual conference held in Preston.

Isabel Peralta on the 25-point National Socialist Programme.

Isabel has an English language website ( from which the link to the 25-points video is taken. A special thanks must go to Heritage & Destiny magazine ( for their help in promoting Señoritas Peralta. We would encourage all racial Nationalists and National Socialists to visit both sites.

The BM National Office has limited stocks of the 25-Point Programme. Soft cover: £10 including postage. Please email for availability.

BM National Secretary with Isabel Peralta
Spanish National Socialist Isabel Peralta with the BM National Secretary at the H&D conference in Preston.


Top Image: Period official document. Public Domain

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