The Lunatics Have Taken Over the Asylum

names will never hurt me

West Yorkshire Police have received a complaint after a woman said her autistic daughter was arrested for saying a female officer “looked like her lesbian Nana”. This horrific ‘hate crime’ allegedly happened in Leeds early on Monday 7 August.

Back in March 2023, the website announced that the police will prioritise freedom of speech under new hate incident guidance and will “only record non-crime hate incidents when it is absolutely necessary and proportionate and not simply because someone is offended. The measure will better protect people’s fundamental right to freedom of expression as well as their personal data.”

“The guidance follows concerns around police involvement in reports of ‘hate incidents’ which are trivial or irrational and do not amount to a criminal offence.” The arrest of a 16-year-old autistic girl in her own home by seven officers from West Yorkshire Police vividly exposes the madness of Britain’s ‘hate crime’ laws and how individual police officers are following their own woke agenda.

Video footage was posted on TikTok by the teenager’s mother before being shared on Twitter (X) and receiving over 2 million views. The autistic teenager was dragged out of her home by the police for allegedly saying, “I think she’s a lesbian like Nana” about a female police officer.

“She’s autistic!” the mother told the police, to which the offended female officer (who we must admit wasn’t at the front of the queue when good looks were handed out) replied: “I don’t care,” and informed the family the teen was being arrested. “Her Nana is a lesbian. She’s married to a woman. She’s not homophobic,” the mother insisted. It was also reported that the offended police officer could be seen clenching her fists.

The child, who was screaming and cursing, was then grabbed by police officers, who dragged her to the waiting police car. A West Yorkshire Police spokesman said a 16-year-old had been arrested on suspicion of a homophobic public order offence but said the footage “only provides a very limited snapshot of the circumstances of this incident”.

‘This is a terrorist gang operating’ : Former officer ‘horrified’ by arrest of autistic teenager.

Facebook posts published on Monday by Lisa Rozycki, the teen’s mother, reveal that her daughter was held for almost a day before being released without charge. “So police have interviewed my daughter without me there as her appropriate adult. After 20 hours in cells for saying the policewoman reminded her of her Nana who’s a lesbian. And get this – she’s not been charged but she’s on unconditional bail? What does that even mean? Someone??” Ms. Rozycki wrote.

A former Czech tennis player who dominated women’s tennis in the late 1970s and the ’80s (and who is also a lesbian), has even got involved, commenting that it looked as though the police had “gone crazy” and called for the officers involved to be sacked.

Unfortunately, this is what happens when policing becomes infiltrated by political ideology. Irrational, cruel, and a violation of the law. Under Britain’s hate crime diktat, offend any woke warrior or gender fanatic, and you’ll be behind bars before you can even say Martina Navratilova.


Top Image: British Movement Northern.

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