I’ll Be Back And Back And Back

I'll Be Back

The porous nature of Britain’s borders was laid bare for all to see when Czech national Kristian David was deported from the UK for a FIFTH time. From his photograph, we would hazard a guess that ‘David’ was a member of the Roma community, although this wasn’t confirmed.

The court was informed that David had used multiple names over the past two decades and had most recently been deported in July of this year.

If that wasn’t bad enough, it was revealed at Bolton Crown Court that he has clocked up 41 convictions in Britain for offences including dangerous driving, possession of crack cocaine, and shoplifting.

When he was arrested again last month at his house in Bolton, Greater Manchester, David said: “This is your government wasting money. I’ll be back, back and forth, back and forth.” The Court heard that the Czech citizen had been known by “various aliases over the last 20 years.”

His wife, four children, and two grandchildren live legally in this country. During the proceedings at Bolton Crown Court, David, a factory worker who is presently imprisoned at Birmingham Prison, confessed to charges under the Immigration Act 1971. These allegations include wilfully entering the UK in violation of a deportation order and evading enforcement action by deceptive methods.

Just how he managed to obtain travel documents, including a passport, under each of his aliases was not revealed. On the same day it was reported that a man had been arrested in Sheffield and charged with inciting hatred under the Racial and Religious Hatred Act. His crime? Using threatening language in public, repeatedly insisting he was English in the presence of ‘minority groups’.


Top Image: Public Domain.

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