Another Rochdale Grooming Gang Sentenced

grooming gangs

The latest trial involving non-recent child sexual exploitation took place in Rochdale at the end of October. The offenders were found guilty of abusing two girls in the town between 2002 and 2006. On Tuesday (October 31), five men were sentenced at Manchester’s Minshull Street Crown Court to a total of more than 70 years in prison.

A common theme in all of these cases involving men of ‘mainly Pakistani origin’ is a misogynistic attitude to females, especially young White girls, who are often regarded as ‘sluts’ and ‘worthless’.

The two victims, identified only as girl A and girl B, were 13 and 14 years old when they were plied with beer, marijuana, and ecstasy tablets, followed by two years of continuous rape at the hands of various men, either collectively or individually.

Girl A was also subjected to “degradation” after being filmed being sexually abused with a bottle as males laughed. She was unconscious at the time after being given vodka by the men. The video was then circulated across Rochdale, according to evidence in court. On another occasion, she told the court that one man urinated on her while she was having oral sex with another.

“Victims and survivors of group-based child sexual exploitation have told me how they were let down by the state in the name of political correctness. What happened to these children remains one of the biggest stains on our country’s conscience.”

Priti Patel, former Home Secretary
The Rochdale Groomers.

The children were frequently picked up outside of school, still wearing their uniforms, and sexually attacked against a school wall, in automobiles, in public parks, on Saddleworth Moor, and in flats and houses in Rochdale, the court heard.

Girl A stated that the abuse began after a chance encounter with Mohammed Ghani, now 39, of Bamford Way in Rochdale. He would have intercourse with the child and then pass her on to his friends, who would pressure her into several sexual relations with males, one after the other.

The torture took place in a flat above a defunct butcher’s shop in Rochdale, with the only furniture in the upstairs bedroom being a stained mattress.

Passing sentence, Judge Tina Landale told the defendants: “Your cases, together and individually, resulted in the appalling abuse of two young women who were children when you offended against them. They were both immature, naive children who were loved by their families. Each girl was a child, ripe for exploitation by unscrupulous older men. Your behaviour was highly predatory, controlling, and manipulative. You each hooked them and used them for your own sexual pleasure.”

Ghani was sentenced to 14 years and six months in prison after being convicted of five counts of penetrative sex with a child.

His older brother, Jahn Shahid Ghani, 50, of Whitworth Road, Rochdale, was jailed for 20 years for causing a child to engage in sexual activity and four counts of penetrative sexual activity with a child. He was described as a “sex addict” who gave girl A up to ten ecstasy tablets at a time before engaging in group sex with her and another woman.

Insar Hussain, 38, of Bishop Street, Rochdale, was sentenced to 17 years in prison for rape and two charges of penetrative sex with girl A.

Ali Razza Hussain Kasmi, 36, of Brotherod Hall Road, Rochdale, was sentenced to eight years in prison for rape and two other sexual assaults on girl B.

Martin Rhodes, 39, of Dinmore Avenue, Blackpool, pleaded guilty to four counts of penetrative sex with a child involving both girls A and B and was sentenced to 12 years and six months in prison.

The allegations were first made public in 2015, after girl A informed police she had been “beaten and raped” while on a parenting course.

“I was abused on a daily basis for six years,” she informed course instructors. When I was 12, they started abusing me, feeding me beer and drugs, abusing me and passing me on to their buddies. They did as they pleased, they made videos of me to use as blackmail.”

An independent public inquiry is needed into the Grooming Gangs epidemic and the cover-up that allowed them to operate with impunity for so many years. The Home Office report that was finally released in December 2020 was a whitewash. It had originally been promised in 2018, but was held back after the Home Office said releasing the paper would not be in the “public interest”.

The report said that although a number of high-profile grooming cases mainly involved men of Pakistani ethnicity, “links between ethnicity and this form of offending” could not be proven. The public knows the truth about the gangs, as do our politicians, police and media, yet these craven cowards covered it up and sentenced thousands of young White children to a lifetime of guilt, self-loathing, and pain.


Top Image: Photo by Ben White on Unsplash
Middle Image: Greater Manchester Police
Video: SnowShadow

VIDEO: I Was Born In Britain

A powerful and moving Nationalist video about the suffering inflicted on our children by the grooming gangs.

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