Chat Moss in Irlam Dodges Diversity – For Now!

Chat Moss in Irlam

From council insider and Nationalist correspondent – ‘Frustrated’

The Places for Everyone (PfE) masterplan of nine Greater Manchester districts, (Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan) for jobs, new homes, and sustainable growth was recently reviewed and amended by GMPA planning inspectors.

The planning inspectors reviewing the Greater Manchester city region’s Places for Everyone (in the world migrating to Manchester) masterplan have deemed the proposed building of 800 homes on a 30-hectare site at Chat Moss, Irlam in Salford must not go ahead as it would cause the loss of an irreplaceable habitat. Sadly, most other proposed housing developments on green belt land in Greater Manchester will go ahead to alleviate Greater Manchester’s chronic homelessness crisis.

According to Salford Council’s website, Chat Moss covers approximately 30% of Salford (2,750 hectares). It was reclaimed in the 19th Century by a large-scale network of drainage channels which are still required today to prevent the land from getting waterlogged. Therefore, Chat Moss in rural Irlam was long considered unsuitable for housing development to home Salford’s soaring population, driven mostly by non-white immigration under the Labour council’s diversity drive.

Salford City Council has been at the forefront of Labour’s nationwide diversity drive to replace native white Britons with non-white immigrants. Salford’s Labour councillors recently voted to join the nationwide network of Labour controlled local authorities that have officially adopted and been granted the status of welcoming “City of Sanctuary” for the world’s immigrant flotsam to be accommodated (dumped) in their increasingly diverse (non-white) towns.

This is helping Labour attain its ‘driving political purpose’ of turning Salford into a ‘progressive’, ‘vibrant’, ‘diverse’, ‘truly multicultural’ and a crime ridden shithole of a city! Residents of other British towns be warned, you never vote Labour if you want to stay safe in a White town.

Indeed, the 2021 census revealed that Salford’s population has soared by 15.4% to 269.900 from only 233,000 in 2011. Moreover, Labour’s ‘diversity drive’ is changing the ethnic face of Salford, with the number of non-whites doubling from only 23,000 in 2011 to nearly 48,000 in 2021!

The planned development on part of Chat Moss in Irlam, was part of the Places for Everyone housing plan, but was scrapped by planning inspectors in July 2023 after a 10-year campaign by residents against this unwelcome development in their area. Irlam is rural and still 94% white.

The U-turn on plans to build 800 homes on Irlam’s greenbelt (in Salford) was criticised by Labour councillor Mike McClusker, lead member for planning, transport and sustainable development at Salford City Council, McCusker said, “We’re disappointed with the inspector’s recommendation that the infrastructure-led North of Irlam Station allocation be removed from Places for Everyone” (in the world being welcomed into Salford by treacherous Labour Party councillors).

Labour Councillor Mike McCusker added, “Additionally we’re also acutely aware of the need for a supply of truly affordable housing in this area to help us tackle the homelessness and housing crisis we’re facing in Cadishead, Irlam and the City of Salford generally.

“There are 4,097 people currently on the housing waiting list and 584 households in temporary accommodation (185 requiring single accommodation and 399 families with 253 of those with 2 or more children).”

But regardless of the homelessness crisis in Salford, Labour councillors will always support open borders with unlimited immigration importing Third World poverty, misery, and crime into Salford.

Well, we are happy to say that everything is now setup, and normal service should now resume. We have a backlog of posts and will begin to publish them later today.


Top Image: Facebook: Friends of Chat Moss.
Lower Image: Greater Manchester Council.

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