Democracy In Modern Germany

2017 AfD election poster.

We have received this post from a comrade who spends much of his time in Germany. The recent election victory of the Alternative für Deutschland party has been covered on a number of British Nationalist websites. The BM does not regard the AfD as a racial Nationalist party, although it certainly contains many members who are. This post looks at the reaction of the German State to the latest advances of the AfD.

At the end of June, the eastern town of Sonneberg, in the state of Thuringia, elected Alternative for Germany (AfD) candidate Robert Sesselmann to the post of district administrator (the equivalent of a mayor), with 52.8% of the vote, ousting the Christian Democrats (CDU) Jurgen Köpper on 47.2%. Sonneberg is close to the Bavarian border, and is part of the European metropolitan region of Nuremberg.

The AfD has also won its first mayoral election in the tiny town of Raguhn-Jeßnitz in the state of Saxony-Anhalt. Hannes Loth, the party’s candidate, received 51.13 percent of the vote, according to the preliminary official results. On Sunday’s second and final round of the local election (July 2), his opponent, the independent Nils Naumann, received 48.87 percent of the vote. The town is also situated in the former GDR. After the first AfD district administrator, Germany now has its first full-time AfD mayor.

“The AfD is the parliamentary arm of a much larger conspiracy, a revolutionary conspiracy, they want to conquer the government, the state, and the whole system that was set up in the Federal Republic of Germany.”

Stephan Kramer, Director of Thuringia’s Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

Stephan Kramer, the director of Thuringia’s Office for the Protection of the Constitution, has shown his true colours when warning of a rise in right-wing extremism across Germany. He was speaking after the district election in Sonneberg, a result which has put the establishment in a panic.

In an interview with “NDR Info” Kramer said: “We are at 20 percent brown filth in the Federal Republic.” If the AfD came to power in Germany, he would emigrate with his family on the same day, he was quoted as saying in an interview with the Israeli broadcaster Kan after the Sonneberg election.

Prior to his appointment as director of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Kramer served as general secretary of the Central Council of Jews for fifteen years and converted to Judaism as an adult. He is also a member of the “Board of Governors” of the World Jewish Congress.

Every fifth German, according to Kramer, is a right-wing extremist. In a recent INSA survey conducted for BILD newspaper, precisely the same proportion (20.5%) said they would vote for the AfD in a federal election. This discontent with the mainstream has made the AfD the most popular party in the former communist GDR’s eastern federal states.

The conventional political parties in Germany have sworn not to form governing coalitions with AfD members. The domestic intelligence agency of Germany considers the Thuringian AfD branch and its leader, Bjorn Hocke, to be far-right extremists. His grandparents were expelled Germans from East Prussia.

In November 2021, Höcke’s parliamentary immunity in the Landtag of Thuringia was cancelled. He was accused of having ended a speech in May with a phrase used by the SA (whose use is illegal in ‘democratic’ Germany). The phrase was “Everything for Germany”. In June 2023 Höcke was charged.

Bild newspaper also revealed this week that the AfD is doing well throughout Thuringia. According to a new survey commissioned by MDR and published in that newspaper, the AfD now has the support of 34 percent of the electorate (+9% on the last poll) – with the CDU coming second on 21 percent (-1%).

The rise of the AFD gives hope that genuine racial Nationalist organisations such as the NPD and Der Dritte Weg can begin to garner support and members from Germans who are increasingly realising that modern-day Germany does not represent them or their values.

Stephan Kramer, the Director of Thuringia’s Office for the Protection of the Constitution.


Top Image: 2017 election poster by Alternative for Germany. “New Germans? – We make them by ourselves.” Valodnieks, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
Bottom Image: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung from Berlin, Deutschland, CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

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