Hartlepool: Murder Trial Ends With ‘Refugee’ Found Guilty

Ahmed Alid

Another criminal/terrorist allowed to enter Britain illegally.

Late last year, the British Movement Northern region website reported on a wild rampage on the streets of Hartlepool by an ‘asylum-seeker’, Ahmed Alid. He was an illegal immigrant, born in Morocco, raised in Algeria, who entered Europe as a young adult, drifted from country to country before settling in Germany, where he was allowed to live for 13 years by the authorities even though his applications for asylum were rejected. Ahmed Alid crossed from Germany into the Netherlands and caught a ferry to Teesport and, true to form, claimed asylum.

Instead of being immediately put back on the ferry at Teesport and returned to the Netherlands as an illegal immigrant, Ahmed Alid was put on the list to have his asylum application processed and was put into a multi-occupancy house in Hartlepool to live alongside other ‘asylum-seekers’, his living expenses being paid for by the Home Office.

In October 2023, just eight days after the Hamas-led attack on Israel, and a week into the Israeli attack on Gaza, Ahmed Alid went out on his murderous attack armed with a knife.

This was not intended to be a single event, during his police interrogation after his arrest, Alid said, “I swear to almighty Allah, if I had a heavy weapon, this would be thousands because they (Israel) had killed innocent children” and even more startling, “I swear to almighty Allah, if I had a Kalashnikov, I would use it to kill them to the last bullet, today before tomorrow.” And this man was being housed and supported in Hartlepool as an asylum-seeker.

The stabbing of his housemate Javed Nouris was carried out because Nouris had ‘converted’ from Islam to Christianity and so Alid had decided to punish the “apostate” for betraying Islam. In mitigation, he claimed that he had not intended to kill his housemate, but had “lost his mind” due to extreme stress!

Finally, in Middlesborough in April 2024 at Teesside Crown Court Ahmed Alid was found guilty of murdering Hartlepool pensioner Terence Carney, age 70, by stabbing him to death in an unprovoked, random attack, in October 2023. He was also found guilty of the attempted murder of two of his housemates on the same day, plus a charge of assaulting two police officers during his arrest.

Ahmed Alid will be sentenced on May 17th at Teesside Crown Court. In court, Ahmed Alid had tried to claim that he had acted out of revenge for Israeli airstrikes on Gaza and Palestinian civilian deaths at the hands of the Israeli military. His justification for killing an innocent British pensioner was that if there was no ceasefire in Israel and Gaza, “there will be a flood of innocent victims here in Britain.”

BM Northern region has to ask the question, ‘How many more illegal immigrants landing in the UK share these ideas?”

Always wise after the fact, Counter Terrorism Police North East, were quick to make a statement to the press after the conclusion of the trial, acknowledging that Ahmed Alid was a greater potential threat to the people of Hartlepool but had been swiftly apprehended by local police. Note that this imported killer was arrested by local police, not counter terrorism police.

Incredibly, the head of counter terrorism police North-East was more concerned with the preservation of ‘community cohesion’ resulting from this murderous rampage, stating, “I’d also like to thank the people of Hartlepool for their calm and measured response to that day’s events and the resilience they showed in the weeks that followed.”

You can be sure that if British Nationalists had protested or demonstrated in Hartlepool about the killing by an illegal immigrant, then counter terrorism North East would have been making midnight raids on patriots, kicking in doors and countering ‘Far-Right extremism’, but they made no reference to the possibility that they would be investigating any other Ahmed Alid’s amongst the hundreds of ‘asylum-seekers’ living on Teesside.

Hartlepool Crown Court


Top Image: Ahmed Alid. Counter Terrorism Policing North East.
Lower Image: Teesside Crown Court.

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