Manchester BM Help Our Forgotten Homeless

homeless in Manchester

While most of us are sitting in the warmth of our homes, thousands of our people are sleeping rough on the streets of our towns and cities. Many will have mental health issues; others will have suffered personal tragedies and family breakdowns.

Unlike the economic migrants who have entered the country illegally, there are no hotel rooms, fashionable clothing, or three square meals a day. No doctors or dentists will be on call. For refugees, money is not an issue. Our homeless will receive little real help from our government and local authorities. Unfortunately, they are on their own.

In Greater Manchester, BM activists are trying, in a small way, to improve the lives of others on the street. The following report is from a Manchester BM comrade.

On Tuesday 20th February, an activist from BM Greater Manchester headed into Manchester City Centre to hand out bottles of water to some of the 7,000 homeless white Brits who have been betrayed by our government.

The activist then put up some posters around the city to highlight the ‘Nightmare of Sexual Abuseand to also promote the British Movement’s ‘Women’s Division’.

There have been many cases of sexual abuse in Manchester. One that stands out is the death of 15-year-old Victoria Agoglia in 2003 (gone but never forgotten). Victoria, who was in care, died of a drug overdose two months after reporting she had been raped and injected with heroin by an older man.

Victoria was one of 57 young girls exploited by the paedophile network based in south Manchester. Race relation fears by the police appeared to have played a part in failing to investigate the perpetrators.

Manchester Awake!


Image: BM Northern Region.

The British Movement welcomes articles for possible inclusion on this site from members and supporters across the North of England. Please remember that we have to operate within the laws of this country; we will not include any content that is against the current laws of the United Kingdom. News reports should be topical and relevant to the regions covered by this website.

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