Martyrs Of The Revolution: Fritz Hellmann

martyr fritz hellmann

Friedrich ‘Fritz’ Hellmann. 20.04.1901 – 08.04.1932
Gau Berlin
SA-Gruppe Berlin-Brandenburg.

Although the fallen of the NSDAP during the “time of struggle” were honoured in the Third Reich as martyrs, few details of these men and women are remembered today. Horst Wessel, Albert Leo Schlageter and Herbert Norkus are exceptions. The hundreds of others who made the ultimate sacrifice have no markers or plaques.

Although Fritz Hellman had not fought in World War I like most of his Freikorps comrades, he took part in the clashes in Munchen (Munich), Braunschweig, and the Ruhr with the Freikorps Lutzow. He was awarded the Lutzow-Bewahrungsabzeichen for bravery at the age of nineteen. After the dissolution of the unit, he joined the Reichswehr in 1920 and served in the 6th Company of the 5th Prussian Infantry Regiment.

As an assistant armourer, Hellman was sent to the Army Technical College for Trade and Technology where, in March 1931, he passed his master craftsman’s examination to become a locksmith. In April 1931, his military service of over ten years came to an end. Shortly afterwards, Hellman joined the SA in Berlin.

Until his death, he was a member of Medical Sturm 132 of the VI Sturmbann, Standarte 4, Berlin. During the election campaign for the presidency of the Reich, the unit took part in a meeting in the north of Berlin to support the security of the hall. In the evening, Hellmann’s storm marched home through sparsely lit, deserted streets.

On Pasteur Street (Pasteurstrasse), the National Socialists were ambushed by a Communist squad. In a flash, a group of reds appeared from a side street in front of the SA and immediately opened fire. Twenty to thirty shots were fired from several weapons. Some of the SA men were able to take cover by leaping into doorways and behind flickering streetlights. Others were hit and fell to the ground.

Fritz Hellman was unable to hide behind a streetlight or a protective wall. Shot in the abdomen, he collapsed. An approaching police car prevented further serious injuries to the SA men, but communists were able to escape unrecognised. Friedrich Hellmann was immediately taken to Friedrichschain Hospital and died the following evening.

Comrade Hellman and the fatal wound.

The funeral of the murdered SA martyr took place on April 13, 1932. On the same day, the Emergency Ordinance to Secure State Authority came into force, banning the SA. The police confiscated all the wreath ribbons and the musical instruments of the SA band had to be handed in.

The gravestone bore the inscription: He lived and died fighting for Germany’s freedom.

The SA Storm 132/4, to which Fritz Hellman belonged, also bore the designation 12/4 and presumably 3/4 due to renumbering, as evidenced by the Storm’s traditional flag song:

Friedrich Hellmann is the name of the warning that stands on our flag,
Friedrich Hellmann is the name that blows with it in the wind.
We swear to it anew:
We remain loyal to you.
We carry you high, proudly on our banner.
We are SA from the Storm 3/4.

The SA stands guard of honour at the grave of comrade Hellmann (left image). The grave of the SA man (right image).

Only The Forgotten Are Dead”

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