Newcastle Grooming Gang Finally Brought To Justice

Newcastle Grooming Gang

This grooming gang case is yet another example of the North East being ‘culturally enriched’ by the settlement of asylum seekers in our towns and cities. Shockingly, they were originally championed in 2015-2016 by the BBC’s flagship Newsnight program as refugee victims of false accusations rooted in ‘racism’ and “hatred of foreigners”.

On March 1st 2024, Newcastle Crown Court saw the conviction of a grooming gang made up entirely of asylum seekers from Syria and Kuwait, who repeatedly raped and terrorised a 13-year-old girl, starting the abuse in August 2018 until their arrests in April 2019. The key offenders were the brothers Omar Badreddin and Mohammed Badreddin together with two others, also ‘refugees’, one from Syria and one from Kuwait. Al Soaimi arrived in the UK with his family in 2016.

The details of the case are as horrific as can be expected and below is reproduced some of the court report details of the trial from the local media.

“A grooming gang who repeatedly raped and sexually assaulted a young girl in Newcastle city centre while passing her around “like a toy” have been jailed for a total of 36 years. Four men sexually exploited a girl when she was aged just 13 and 14 years old.

“After meeting her one day in Newcastle, brothers Mohamed and Omar Badreddin quickly identified her as someone who could be easily manipulated and she was groomed with alcohol, cigarettes and compliments before being abused. The Badreddins subjected the first girl to repeated rapes at the Castle Keep in Newcastle, sometimes one after another and she was also attacked behind the Five Guys restaurant and at her home.

“The Badreddins, who also took part in a riot as part of the Black Lives Matter group, were convicted of a series of rapes and sexual assaults, along with Huzaefa Aleboud and Hamoud Al-Soaimi following a trial at Newcastle Crown Court.”

The desperate girl tried to convert to Islam in order to befriend her abusers and so to stop them from targeting her. The victim even went so far as trying to learn to speak her abuser’s language and attempted to read the Koran in Arabic. All of which made no difference to her tormentors who continued to rape and sexually abuse her.

The victim’s own statement should shame all the mainstream media outlets that have failed to report this case.

“As the three of the four were jailed, the girl, who is from South Tyneside, outlined the devastating impact the offences have had. She said she had a happy childhood until she met them, adding: “That’s when it all went wrong. It’s because of them I feel I’ve been robbed of my childhood, which should have been a happy time. I can never get that childhood back.

“My childhood turned into what I can only describe as a living nightmare. After meeting them I spent all my days in Newcastle being tortured by them. No person, never mind a young girl, should experience the awful things they did to me. I was struggling so badly that I would self harm to try to release some of the pain I was feeling. Those scars will be with me for life but as well as being physically scarred I’m emotionally scarred. Those scars are a constant reminder to me of what I’ve lived through.”

In 2016 BBC News Night report championed the Badreddin brothers and their parents, BBC journalists even went so far as to present the family as the ‘real victims’ in the earlier police investigation and subsequent trial. The BBC commented at the time that the “Syrian men were less sexually experienced than the girls they were accused of assaulting”, thereby claiming that although the girls were legally underage, they were somehow responsible for seducing these young men, who were actually older than their victims.

Moreover, when the 2016 case was concluded and the Badreddin brothers acquitted, the BBC claimed that their father and mother had suffered the stigma of their family honour being besmirched and had suffered being dishonoured in the eyes of their community.

Not surprisingly, the BBC has been much less high-profile in reporting the outcome of the recent trial involving the Badreddin brothers and other than reports in the regional news media, such as the ‘North East Chronicle’, with the exception of some extensive and angry coverage on GB News, the national mainstream media has ignored this story.

The BBC were prompted to release this very carefully worded press statement in the aftermath of the latest trial;

“In 2015 and 2016, Newsnight followed the story of the Badreddin family, who were Syrian refugees who had settled in the UK. During 2016, their son Omar was tried for sexual assault and found not guilty. Two years afterwards, in 2018 and 2019, Omar Badreddin and his brother Mohamed committed multiple counts of rape. They were found guilty and jailed on 1 March 2024. The BBC reported this. In any situation, the BBC can only report on the facts as they stand at the time, which is what we did in 2016. The Badreddins’ subsequent crimes are appalling, and we express our sincere sympathies to their victim.”

The outcome of the trial at Newcastle Crown Court in March 2025 was;

The men, the first three of whom must sign the sexual offenders’ register for life and Al Soaimi for 10 years, received the following sentences:

Omar Badreddin, 26, for five counts of rape, jailed for 18 years.
Mohamed Badreddin, 23, for six counts of rape and one count of assault by penetration, jailed for 13 years.
Huzaefa Aleboud, 23, for assault by penetration, two counts of rape and assault occasioning actual bodily harm, jailed for five and a half years.
Hamoud Al Soaimi, 21, for three counts of sexual assault and one assault by penetration, jailed for two years suspended for two years with 180 hours unpaid work.
The Badreddin brothers’ sentences also included a year in jail each for violent disorder after they threw bottles and charged at police when a Black Lives Matter group clashed with North East Frontline Patriots in Newcastle city centre on 13 June 2020.
A restraining order was also made banning each defendant from contacting the two victims and several other girls, or referring to them on social media.

Given the above court outcome, it is interesting to note the restrained wording of the BBC press statement. It is also noteworthy too that the Badreddin brothers had been arrested in connection with an attack on an EDL demonstration in 2020 during a Black Lives Matter counter protest, showing clearly that
they were engaging in left-wing political activity in the North East.

Perhaps the most disturbing aspects of this case is it raises a number of questions about the original trial back in 2016, were they actually guilty but their defence was better prepared and presented than the prosecution case?

Equally disturbing is the role of BBC Newsnight in the championing of this family for no other reason than it fitted their left-wing agenda, defending Syrian refugees against ‘racism’ and ‘xenophobia’ rather than looking deeper into the whole question of vulnerable, under age local girls being raped and sexually exploited.

Many aspects of this series of cases of grooming by these Syrian and Kuwaiti young men carry echoes of other more high-profile grooming gang cases in places like Oldham, Rochdale or Rotherham. And yet once again provides another glaring example of a toxic by-product of multiculturalism on British


Top Image: L-R: Huzaefa Alaboud, Omar Badreddin, Mohammed Badreddin, Hamoud Al-Soaimi. Credit: Northumbria Police. Background: Andrew Curtis / Portico, Newcastle Central Station, Neville Street.

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