And Don’t Forget To Close The Door Behind You….

michael gove stands down as an MP

In the short time since the General Election was called, a large number of MPs have announced that they will be standing down. So far more than 120 MPs have said they will not continue in their roles.

Nearly 80 Conservative MPs have stepped down ahead of the election, including a number of high-profile names. The former prime minister Theresa May, Sajid Javid, Dominic Raab, Matt Hancock, Ben Wallace, Nadhim Zahawi, John Redwood are just a few who are stepping down ahead of the July 4 election. But the one that is going and gives us the most pleasure is the MP for Surrey Heath since 2005, Michael Gove.

On leaving university, he applied for a job at the Conservative Research Department, but was told he was “insufficiently political” and “insufficiently Conservative”, so he turned to journalism. In 2005, Gove was elected to Parliament, and has held a number of Cabinet posts since.

During the EU Referendum campaign, Gove campaigned for the Leave side. He and his family had spent the previous Christmas with the then Prime Minister David Cameron at Chequers where, according to Craig Oliver, Cameron was under the impression that Gove would support remaining in the EU. It was Cameron who had made the disastrous decision (in the eyes of the establishment) to allow the proles a vote on leaving the EU.

After losing the referendum, Cameron resigned as PM, with Gove backing Boris Johnson to replace him. Like a Chameleon that changes colours to attract mates, Gove withdrew his support for Johnson hours before the deadline, without any previous notice to Johnson and announced his own candidacy in the leadership election. Once again Gove had shown his willingness to stab anyone in their back to further his political ambitions.

The Daily Telegraph wrote in an opinion piece that Gove’s actions in undermining Johnson’s leadership aspirations constituted “the most spectacular political assassination in a generation”. Gove was eliminated in the second ballot after receiving a derisory 46 votes.

In March 2024, Gove announced the five organisations that he claimed will be evaluated in light of the new government definition of extremism. Speaking in the Commons, he said the British National Socialist Movement and Patriotic Alternative would see their activities assessed against the new definition. The other three on his list are Islamist groups.

Unfortunately, Gove will probably be given a knighthood for his services to politics and see his wealth skyrocket as he is invited to pontificate on TV talk shows and in the newspapers by our controlled media. After all, the establishment always looks after its own.

We’ll leave the last words regarding Gove’s standing down to football fans in a song popular on the terraces at Elland Road…


Top Image: British Movement Northern Ai.
Other sources: Wikipedia.

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