Rochdale – Too Little Too Late

Rochdale – Too Little Too Late

News that two members of a Rochdale grooming gang are to be deported to Pakistan after losing a seven-year legal fight to remain in Britain, will offer little relief to those poor children whose lives have been ruined by these paedophile monsters.

It is well documented that children who have been sexually abused may have difficulty sleeping, have anxiety problems, struggle to concentrate and cope with school work. They may also become withdrawn, uncommunicative and angry or upset. Many end up becoming addicted to alcohol and drugs. Others self-harm or become promiscuous, believing that the opposite sex will only value them if they give them what they want. A feeling of worthlessness is common. Some abused children (especially boys) go on to be abusers themselves.

It is with this in mind that all decent folk regard the sentences handed down to the grooming gangs as little more than a slap-on-the-wrist. The paedophiles will come out of prison and are immediately accepted back into their communities. No ostracism, as their crime isn’t ‘a real crime’.

In Rochdale, up to 50 girls were raped, beaten and handed around as little more than pieces of meat, and the main abuser gets only 8-years. After remission he was out in four. Adil Khan, 51, and Qari Abdul Rauf, 53, were convicted of a series of horrific sexual offences against young girls and jailed later the same year.

“The journalists have made our lives a living hell. We are not that big a criminal. We have not committed that big a crime. I’m innocent. I’m not committing any crime. The journalists made us out to be big criminals.”

Adil Khan

According to reports, Khan impregnated a 13-year-old girl before trafficking a 15-year-old girl for sex and using violence against her when she complained. He was only sentenced to eight years in prison.

Abdul Rauf, was convicted of trafficking a 15-year-old for sex, taking her to a flat in Rochdale where he and his acquaintances sexually abused her. He was sentenced to six years before being released after two and a half years in prison. He is a father of five children.

The UK immigration court has rejected Khan and Rauf’s appeal against deportation and said that the two would be sent back to Pakistan after release from jail for the public good. The pair had in July this year invoked their ‘human right’ to fight their deportation to Pakistan.

Adil Khan claimed to be ‘stateless’ at an immigration tribunal case management hearing, with lawyers arguing that it could be a bar to deportation. Their argument was that their deportation would violate Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which relates to the right to a private and family life. Both claimed that they had certificates renouncing their Pakistani citizenship.

During multiple deportation appeal hearings Khan complained about having no rights in the UK and said he needed to remain in the UK to be a role model for his son and teach him, “right from wrong”.

While rejecting the plea, the immigration Judges stated that Khan had shown a “breath-taking lack of remorse” and in his and Rauf’s case, there was a very strong public interest in them being kicked out of the UK. Notably, the decision by the tribunal was made in August but was only made public on October 27.

Adil Khan aged 51 and Qari Abdul Rauf aged 53 are fighting deportation to Pakistan.

It was revealed that nine members of the Rochdale sex grooming gang, including Khan and Rauf, operated in various parts of the country from 2008 to 2010, supplying girls as young as 12 with alcohol and drugs and gang-raping them in various locations, sometimes “pimping” them out for money. As many as 47 girls were assaulted in the two years.

The Grooming Gang phenomenon has received widespread coverage in recent years after shameful attempts were made by the police, social workers and politicians to cover up the sexual exploitation of children due to the predominant religious background and ethnicity of the criminals.

The overwhelming majority of the rapists are Muslims from Pakistani or Bangladeshi backgrounds and they would predominantly target white girls or women of other religions for their crimes. Numerous reports on the cases have revealed that the perpetrators regarded the white children as ‘slags’, and that they were worthless.

The Daily Mail newspaper reported that using official figures, it estimated that nearly 19,000 minors were sexually groomed in England in the last year. The highest rates of child grooming victims in Britain were reported in areas including Birmingham, Lancashire and Bradford.

The British Movement is happy to receive articles for possible inclusion on this site from members and supporters across the North of England. Please remember that we have to operate within the laws of this country – we will not include any content that is against the current laws of the United Kingdom. News reports should be topical and be relevant to the regions covered by this website.

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