AGM Report – A Year Of Steady Progress

agm 2022

Saturday 29 October saw the first British Movement Annual General Meeting since lockdown. The meeting was held in the Midlands and was attended by delegates from across the country.

The meeting chairman, the lead singer of a Nationalist rock band, was this time last week in a Greek detention centre. After opening the meeting and welcoming the delegates, there followed a succession of reports regarding the day-to-day running of the movement over the last twelve months.

A full financial report was made by the National Treasurer. The meeting was told that the BM is solvent and has no debts. The recent move to larger offices bit into funds, but the extra space will allow us to expand our recording studio and video editing suite, which in time will repay the extra expense involved.

The meeting chairman then gave a report on one of the campaigns that is close to his heart: the British Movement’s Looking After Our Own. Unique amongst racial Nationalist groups in the UK, Looking After Our Own is a social welfare organisation that helps comrades’ in times of hardship. That could be help with bereavement costs, illness or the hardships caused to families by imprisonment or unemployment.

Since 2016 when it started, the monies raised are quite staggering. Every penny has gone to the comrade involved or their families. Unlike other campaigns like ‘Go Fund Me’ etc, we do not take a cut. Every penny raised is handed out to the person or family in need. We cannot rely on the state to play fair with us, we have to do it ourselves.

The electronic newspaper ‘The Emblem’, received praise for helping spread our message with its well-written articles and its professional design. The newspaper is gaining the BM a lot of kudos due to its thought-provoking articles and news stories.

This website was also mentioned for its wide-range of posts and its attractive modern design.

A number of regional awards were held back this year, but the individual award presentations went ahead.

Over the next few weeks the BM will be rolling-out a monthly donation scheme with the aim of increasing the amount of revenue that flows into the BM’s coffers each month. While it was stressed that the scheme is entirely voluntary and there is no set amount to pledge, if just 50 members or supporters gave £20, that would bring in £1000 each month. 100 £20 pledges would give us an extra £2000.

This is guaranteed income over and above the usual funds that we need to operate on a day-to-day basis. This income would allow us to put into action a number of projects that currently are on the back-burner because of funds.

In his closing address, the National Secretary spoke about the way forward in the field of modern Britain -setting out the BNSM message in increasingly fertile soil. He once again stressed the need for ‘propaganda, propaganda, propaganda’.

An inspiring message of support from a key activist in Scotland was read out along with a report from BM Ulster.

A superb buffet was provided to the delegates by the BMWD.

The British Movement is happy to receive articles for possible inclusion on this site from members and supporters across the North of England. Please remember that we have to operate within the laws of this country – we will not include any content that is against the current laws of the United Kingdom. News reports should be topical and be relevant to the regions covered by this website.

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