A Predatory Paedophile From Carlisle

paedophile Robin Arnold

A serial child molester with international tastes and an overseas conviction. Why are the courts being so lenient with sexual predators?

Carlisle Crown Court, June 2023, predatory paedophile Robin Arnold, age 71 years, was sentenced to just 20 months in prison for breaching the conditions of his indefinite SHPO (Sexual Harm Prevention Order). The obvious question being, ‘Why was this man, currently living in High Hesket, Cumbria, subject to an open ended SHPO?’ What kind of risk to the public did this man present?

The court was told that the police in Carlisle were made aware of Arnold’s activities on June 2nd 2023 and he was quickly arrested and held in custody. Robin Arnold did not even attend court but made his declarations and court appearance via a video link from Durham Prison, where he was being held in custody.

The reason why the police were notified about the breach of the SHPO by Robin Arnold reveals a lot about the justice system in the UK and its failure to deal robustly with repeat sex offenders. Arnold was discovered to be ‘befriending’ African families recently settled in Carlisle, and because of his Christian beliefs he was helping the Africans by donating furniture and other household items. The children in these families had received presents from Robin Arnold, who they referred to as ‘Uncle Bob’. According to the police investigation there was no indication that Arnold had committed any offences against the African children.

Note: During the preparation of this article, a West Yorkshire based BM supporter reading through the case notes remarked in disbelief “WHAT! There are African families settled in Carlisle?”

In court Arnold’s previous convictions were made known, including his major conviction for sexual offences against a 13-year-old boy in Albania. Originally from Cromer in Norfolk, Arnold had a record of previous sex offences in the UK, he had four previous convictions, including indecent assault from 1987 and 1994. Arnold had then been involved in an orphanage for abandoned children, run by missionaries.

The Christian run orphanage in Tirana, Albania, the ‘His Children’ orphanage which was placed under a special investigation by the Albanian authorities, which resulted in the prosecution and jailing of the British care manager in 2008 for sexual offences against children. This was then followed in 2009 by the trial of Robin Arnold and another man over a series of sex offences committed at the orphanage.

In 2010 the Albanian courts jailed Robin Arnold for fifteen and a half years after he was found guilty of the rape of an Albanian boy under the age of 13 years of age. Arnold was released from an Albanian prison in 2020 and returned to the UK, where he settled in the Carlisle area. The court heard that Arnold was pleading guilty to four breaches of his SHP Order in late 2022 and early 2023 in the Carlisle area.

The obvious question which was not raised here is why was such a man with a record as a serial sex offender, a known paedophile, not dealt with more harshly? It should have been obvious that his involvement with the African families in Carlisle was the opening stages of ingratiating himself with the adults and children as part of a grooming strategy.

It is well known to British law enforcement agencies that paedophiles and child molesters will travel overseas to poorer countries in order to gain easy access to children. British perverts have been identified in cases against children in Thailand, Vietnam and assorted African countries. The mainstream media is frequently pressured by the LGBT lobby not to report on these cases, especially if the cases are in European countries such as the orphanage in Albania.

It is a fact that as British National Socialists, the criminal justice policies advocated by British Movement would see degenerates and repeat paedophiles treated harshly in the courts and imprisoned for life. In the cases of the rapists of children, surgical castration is an obvious solution, and for child sex murderers – ‘Fetch the Rope!’


Top Image: Cumbria Police.

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