London – A Wake-Up Call To Every Indigenous Brit


The Great Replacement is ridiculed by the establishment as something that exists only in the minds of dangerous far-right extremists. In reality, ethno-Nationalists can see with their own eyes what is happening – the White population of Europe is being replaced by non-European immigrants. Nowhere is this replacement more apparent than in our capital city, London.

In a departure from our usual coverage of events from the North of England, we are posting this short article and video as a rallying cry as well as a prophetic warning to our people. Britain Awake!

London was founded in 43 A.D. by the Romans, and their rule lasted until the fall of the Roman Empire in the fifth century A.D. During the third century, Londinium, the Roman name for London, had a population of 50,000 due primarily to the impact of its significant port.

As a result of recurrent Anglo-Saxon invasions in the fifth century, Londinium declined and became the capital of the Kingdom of Essex in the eighth century.

During the ninth century, the town was frequently attacked by Vikings. As a result, Danish settlers settled in the region, promoting commerce and establishing businesses in the town, thereby converting it into the first urban centre in England. The Danish ‘Great Heathen Army’, attracted by the city’s prosperity and power, besieged the city until King Alfred the Great captured it in 886.

1137 years later, those identifying as White British accounted for 43.4% of London’s population compared with 78.4% for England and Wales overall. Our capital city has the largest number of migrants among all regions of the UK, 3,346,000 – or 37% of the UK’s total foreign-born population. Around half of births in some major English cities – London (57%), Birmingham (42%), Manchester (50%), Cambridge (57%) and Leicester (56%) – are to non-UK born mothers.


Top Image: Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash.

The British Movement welcomes articles for possible inclusion on this site from members and supporters across the North of England. Please remember that we have to operate within the laws of this country – we will not include any content that is against the current laws of the United Kingdom. News reports should be topical and be relevant to the regions covered by this website.

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