Murdered In The Name Of Diversity

Murdered In The Name Of Diversity

On the same day that the old-gang politicians were asking for your vote at the polls, the real horror of life for working-class White people was playing out in a Sheffield court. Every single politician, Labour, Tory, Libdem, Green et al, are guilty of turning a blind eye to reality whilst pretending everything is hunky dory in multi-racial Britain.

Reece Radford is just the latest name to be added to the roll call of heroes who have died trying to protect our women folk. Reece was attacked after coming to the aid of a 17-year-old girl who was being assaulted in Sheffield city centre on 29 September 2022.

Reece Radford, murdered in Sheffield trying to protect a 17-year-old girl.

Louis James and Dereck Owusu had been drinking in Sheffield City Centre when they bumped into the girl, who was known to them. Owusu then punched the girl in the face, leading to Reece intervening and punching Owusu.

According to Prosecuting barrister, David Tempkin KC, “The defendants were angry with Mr Radford for becoming involved, and also because of his earlier remarks suggesting she [the girl punched by Owusu] was ‘shing those African b****s.’ An altercation ensued, leave Reece Radford laying in the road.

Owusu, of Manor Lane, Park Hill, Sheffield kicked Reece in the head ‘three or four times’ before James stabbed Reece in the chest with a knife he was carrying. The knife was retrieved from a nearby drain by the police.

The prosecution stated that Reece, who has a young daughter, had not given the defendant’s any reason to believe he was in possession of a weapon, and even if they could claim to have acted in self-defence, ‘after a short period of time the defendants actions became unreasonable, out of proportion and therefore unlawful’.

“He wasn’t just my son, he was my best friend, my soulmate, my everything.”

Laura Radford, mother of Reece Radford.

Judge Wright said she believed, based on the evidence heard during the course of the trial, that Mr Radford was stabbed as he was lying in the ‘centre of the road on Arundel Gate’.

She continued: “During the incident you, Owusu, stole Reece Radford’s wallet from the floor and as Reece Radford lay fatally injured at the side of the road tended to by [someone present] who did her best to help him, you returned to the scene aggressively swinging your belt around towards a number of witnesses including Paul Taylor who was on the phone to the emergency services.”

On May 4 2023, as the old-gang politicians celebrated, Judge Sarah Wright fixed 47-year-old James’ minimum term at 25 years, while Owusu, aged 40, of Strathmore Grove, Wath-upon-Dearne was told he must spend at least 15 years behind bars.

Let us pray that our racial Nationalist revolution happens before these animals reach the end of their sentences. Then they will feel the real wrath of the people of these Isles.


Main Image: by Stefan Schweihofer from Pixabay.
Centre Image: Reece Radford.
Bottom Image: Louis James (left) and Dereck Owusu. Credit: South Yorkshire Police.

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