Better off with Labour? Tell That To Rotherham!

have they no shame

Main Image: Facebook: Mahroof Hussain.

Hot-on-the-heels of our post on Dominic Beck, the disgraced Rotherham councillor who was selected as the prospective Labour candidate for the Rother Valley seat at the next General Election, comes news of another shameless ex-Labour Rotherham councillor.

In the post we revealed how Beck was forced to resign his cabinet position at Rotherham Council in 2015 over the conclusions of the Casey report into the councils handling of the child grooming scandal. Now it has been revealed by GB News that Mahroof Hussain, another disgraced Rotherham Labour politician, is working as the National Diversity, Inclusion & Participation Manager for Health Education England.

In 2015, Hussain left Rotherham Council’s cabinet, joining Beck in doing so due to the Casey report’s findings. According to the study, Hussain had a “negative influence” and “stifled” conversation about Pakistani rape gangs. In a statement with the then-Council Leader Paul Lakin, Hussain dismissed the report’s conclusions and said that “In our judgement, none of those selected to the new cabinet at the full council meeting on September 10, 2014 was in denial.”

Hussain and former Deputy Leader Jahangir Akhtar were singled out in Casey’s report as top Pakistani council members who had “disproportionate power.”

The GB News investigation revealed that Hussain and Akhtar both rejected a police officer’s suggestion to take action against abusers once it became clear that most of them were Pakistani taxi drivers. Males from Pakistani backgrounds were significantly over-represented in child sex exploitation.

Hussain was involved in another incident of diverting attention away from the ethnicity of the rape gangs in 2015, according to Times reporter Andrew Norfolk, when he falsely accused a fellow Labour councillor of racism “with the aim of preventing a discussion about sexual exploitation of children.”

According to the Casey report, Hussain was believed to have “suppressed discussion” of the matter by council officials.

Hussain and Akhtar served on the council from 1997 to 2013, during which time 1,400 young girls were sexually exploited, trafficked, raped, and tormented. The number of victims during this time period has since been amended by the National Crime Agency to 1,510.

In October 2020, Hussain was chosen to serve as the Midlands region’s Diversity & Inclusion manager for NHS Health Education England. He received a promotion to national lead in September 2022. “Developing and implementing diversity and inclusion programmes that generate equal outcomes for our workforce,” he says, is the essence of his job.

“He allowed political correctness to prevail over justice for more than a thousand innocent girls”, said a survivor of the Rotherham grooming gangs to GB News. “He ought to be shunned by society for his abhorrent job in Rotherham, and definitely shouldn’t be receiving a wage paid for by the tax payer.”

Since resigning as a councillor, Hussain has also changed his image to that of an Islamophobia campaigner, listing himself on LinkedIn as a consultant to the faith-based charity Faith Matters and attending multiple events organised by Tell MAMA, a group that tracks anti-Muslim prejudice.

In spite of the Casey report containing an account from a South Yorkshire Police officer claiming Hussain rejected an initiative to look into Pakistani heritage grooming gangs, he organised a “community meeting” with West Yorkshire Police in 2019. West Yorkshire Police sent a superintendent to the event.

Mahroof, who was selected as an advisor to a Home Office working group on “Tackling Extremism and Radicalisation”, was awarded an MBE (Member of the British Empire) by the Queen in 2008.

View our post about Dominic Beck here>>

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