ISD – Sunderland – September 23rd 2023

ISD - Sunderland - September 23rd 2023

The city of Sunderland in the North-East of England was the focus for the 2023 Ian Stuart Donaldson memorial concert. This enthusiastic gathering celebrated the life, music and politics of Ian Stuart and suitably marked the 30th anniversary of his tragic death.

The gig was well attended with people attending this important milestone event from across the country, with concert goers from across England, Wales and Scotland as well as a number of people coming from assorted European countries.

Across the evening the audience was entertained by a number of British bands including, ‘Crucified’, ‘London Breed’, with a nostalgic set from the lead singer of the ‘Ovalteenies’, the headline set being provided by the excellent ‘Whitelaw’. The memory of Ian Stuart was marked in the customary fashion with all the due dignity and ritual associated with the ISD events of previous years.

British Movement was well represented at this event, both in terms of the audience and the bands, with the customary involvement of BM in the various roles ensuring that the function passed smoothly and also providing an opportunity to sell BM merchandise and to catch up with comrades from across the UK.

Despite all the efforts of a rag-bag of cultural Marxists and self-styled ‘anti-fascists’, the ISD gig was successfully held in an excellent venue in this North-East city, and the event was not disrupted or hindered by those hostile elements.

The ISD 2023 should be noted as being a gig that Ian Stuart himself would have recognised and would have immediately felt at home in the setting, the music and the crowd. This was a fitting tribute to the memory of Ian Stuart and a symbolic gesture of continuity and defiance towards those who would deny the opportunity to stage such an occasion and celebration of the man, his politics and his music.

Congratulations are due to those North East Nationalists responsible for organising and securing the use of the venue as well as everyone connected to Rock Against Communism who put so much time and effort into ensuring that the gig went ahead and everything went smoothly. A special thanks must also go to all the bands and their support crews who provided such excellent entertainment on the night.

Thirty years may have passed since Ian Stuart Donaldson left this earth, but his legacy remains and he is most certainly not forgotten.


Top Image: Public Domain.
Lower Image: North East Nationalists.

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