Thugs Use Race Card In Leeds Attack

Racial Violence In Leeds City Centre

A man was knocked unconscious by anti-White thugs outside of a Leeds City Centre bar, before his friend was also kicked and punched by the two offenders.

Abdul Rehman and Mohammed Hussain both from Batley, attacked their two victims at approximately 6 a.m. on August 27, outside of The Stone Roses indie bar on Lower Briggate, after they appeared to stop and chat to the two White lads.

Leeds City Centre is awash with CCTV cameras, and footage of the unprovoked attack was played to Leeds Crown Court, and showed the two thugs walking up to the two friends and engaging them in conversation before launching an attack. Both of the victims had been drinking heavily and were in no condition to defend themselves.

Hussain violently pushed one of the lads, causing him to fall against a lamppost. Rehman then punched him in the face, breaking his glasses and knocking him unconscious. Hussain then kicked the man while he was on the ground. Both attackers then ran off, chased by the first victim’s friend.

The friend was then set upon by the two cowards, who punched and kicked him, before making their escape. The victims suffered fractured teeth, a broken nose and a broken rib.

Using CCTV footage and mobile phone data (big brother in action again?), the police were able to trace and arrest the two thugs. Rehman, age 18, of Sykes Walk, Batley, and Hussain, age 19, of Solway Road, Batley, both admitted a charge of ABH and affray.

Rehman claimed he could not remember what happened on the night, but remarkably, despite his memory loss of the incident, claimed that the two White lads had made racist remarks to him and Hussain. The judge in the case, Recorder Abdul Iqbal KC, rejected outright this claim, saying: “I do not accept they (the victims) behaved aggressive or in a racist way towards you. It was a joint offence and you take joint responsibility for it.

“Neither of you have expressed any real remorse to either of these young men. I hope you both feel embarrassed and ashamed.”

The barristers for Rehman and Hussain claimed the attack was out of character for their clients, they were two hard-working lads who had a hard upbringing, parents had divorced, health problems in the family etc, etc. Pass the sick bag please….

After watching the vicious assault and the extent of the injuries inflicted on two defenceless young men, and their attempt to smear the victims by claiming that they had made ‘racist’ comments, it was expected that the two thugs would have been sentenced to a substantial time in custody.

Unfortunately, the judge ‘took pity’ on these two violent, anti-White thugs and handed them both 21 months’ jail, suspended for 24 months, gave them 200 hours of unpaid work each and rehabilitation days to complete. They were also both ordered to pay £2,000 compensation each – £1,000 to each victim.

If the roles had been reversed, if the attackers had been White and the victims Asian, do you think the men would have been walking out of court that morning as free men? No, neither do we.

The Stone Roses Bar is situated on Lower Briggate, just below the junction of Boar Lane and Briggate itself. Briggate was created in 1207 by Lord Mayor Maurice Paynell, and Briggate became the first borough of Leeds. Briggate’s name comes from brycg, the Old English for bridge and gata, the Old Norse for a way or a street.

At weekends, the junction of Briggate and Boar Lane is a magnet for groups of young people who congregate around a two-floor McDonalds restaurant until the early hours of the morning. The restaurant has to employ security guards to protect their customers.

The following video was filmed outside of the McDonalds on Briggate, before it spills across the road and down Lower Briggate.


Top Image: Google Maps.

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