Labour’s Lord Alf Dubs Shows His Real Loyalty

Labour’s Lord Alf Dubs Shows His Real Loyalty

Alfred Dubs arrived in the UK as a six-year-old Jewish child refugee in 1939, as one of 669 Jewish children who fled Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia on trains from Prague, organised by the British stockbroker Sir Nicholas Winton.

His mother also later arrived in the UK, but his father died, leaving them with little money. But the young Alf Dubs still received an excellent education at Cheadle Hulme School in Cheshire, and later attended the London School of Economics before working as a local government officer.

In the 1970s, he joined the Labour Party and eventually became MP for Battersea South in 1979. After finally losing his seat in parliament in 1992, he became a privileged Labour life peer in 1994. Therefore, Lord Alf Dubs has fared well from living in the UK which generously adopted him in 1939.

However, he has since abused our generous hospitality by using his privileged position to call for us to welcome, house and support even more thousands of foreign immigrants and dodgy ‘refugees’. From 1988 to 1995 Lord Dubs was director of the Refugee Council. He has also held roles in numerous other left-wing (immigrant friendly) organisations including the Fabian Society and Liberty.

In 2016, Dubs proposed an amendment to the Immigration Bill, which said that the government should “make arrangements” to relocate and support 3,000 unaccompanied refugee children from other countries in Europe. But frustratingly for Lord Dubs, MPs (mainly Tory) rejected his amendment.

This ‘British’ peer, Lord Alf Dubs has also recently called for the UK to take in many thousands of Palestinian refugees from Gaza amid the current escalating Hamas-Israel conflict in the Middle East.

The wretched 2.3 million Palestinians existing in Gaza are mostly descendants of refugees driven out of their homeland in what is now Israel after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Jewish settlers now occupy their former land, so they are crammed into Gaza in what has become in effect the world’s largest prison.

Israel clearly wants to be rid of these pesky Palestinian Muslim refugees existing near them in Gaza. Because they threaten the security of Jews living in Israel, the mass expulsion of millions of these Palestinians from Gaza to other countries, including Britain, is a prime goal of Zionists worldwide.

Lord Dubs real loyalty seems to be to his fellow Jews living in Israel by helping them expel their unwanted Palestinians by transferring them and the danger they pose to Britain instead! This new stream of refugees into Britain will no doubt be welcomed by lefty groups including the Labour Party, which will be glad to receive them into their network of ‘sanctuary cities’ in the UK.

Nearly all of Labour’s current shadow cabinet are supporters or members of the Labour Friends of Israel. This includes our four Great Offices of State; prime minister, chancellor of the exchequer, foreign secretary and home secretary. So an incoming Labour government will upset their Muslim supporters immediately by adopting a very pro-Israel stance against Israel’s Muslim enemies across the

An incoming Labour government will also probably try to please Israel by supporting Lord Alf Dubs call for the UK to resettle thousands of Palestinian refugees from Gaza into some of Labour’s network of ‘sanctuary cities’, that are intended to welcome and support such homeless refugees!

This may also admit some mass murdering Islamic terrorists, but Labour has a record of putting the welfare of dodgy, radical Islamic ‘asylum-seekers’ before the security of native British people.

In 1997, Tony Blair’s Labour government granted the radical Libyan Islamist, Ramadan Abedi, his refugee status. This then enabled his son, Salman Adebi, to grow up in Manchester and become the radicalised (ISIS) fanatical suicide bomber that committed the Manchester Arena massacre in 2017.


Top Image: Chris McAndrew, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Lower Image: X

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