Small Boats Help Sink The NHS

NHS in crisis

More unwelcome headlines for little Rishi, Britain’s Indian Prime Minister. The cost of housing asylum seekers in hotels up and down the land has risen to £8 million a day, according to the Home Office. And in news that must be a body blow to the shoddy, flea-pit B&B’s hoping to cash in by getting an asylum contract, the minimum standard of hotel that illegal immigrants can expect is three-star, a new Home Office contract stipulates.

The boat migrants can also expect to receive a weekly cash handout, free prescriptions, free dental checks, free eye tests, help paying for glasses and much more. Meanwhile, back in the real world, the government has pledged an additional £200 million to the National Health Service, in an effort to insulate it from challenging winter pressures.

Another £40 million was also added to increase our social care capacity and help improve discharges from hospitals. There are a record 7.68 million people currently on waiting lists, and the ‘challenging winter pressures’ include higher incidences of seasonal illnesses, including flu and norovirus, the winter vomiting bug.

“Managing the strikes has already cost the Government in the region of £1 billion, and that figure – which is what it would cost to settle the junior doctors’ dispute – will continue to rise until the Government makes a credible offer to end the strike action.”

British Medical Association

On closer inspection, that derisory £240m can be seen as another slap in the face for the hard-working British taxpayer. The economic migrants who have entered our country illegally and are being housed in hotels up and down the country are now costing us £8 million per day. That is £56 million per week, £224 million per month and over £2.6 billion every year. So the additional £200 million for the NHS, which was announced with great fanfare by the government and its supporters in the Tory press, would only keep the invaders (as they were described by the Home Secretary) in their hotels for 30 days.

In June 2023, Patrick Jenrick, the Minister for Immigration, was quoted in Hansard (in reply to a question from Labour MP Yvette Cooper), as saying that if the current migration trends continued, “the Home Office would be spending over £11 billion a year, or £32 million a day, on asylum support by the end of 2026.” That puts into perspective where the government’s priorities really lie.

The NHS is currently facing strike action over pay by nurses, junior doctors and consultants. Wouldn’t it be a better policy to use the eye-watering amounts spent on ‘asylum’ to settle the workers’ disputes and really help start to reduce the problems in the NHS caused by the huge population increase over the past 15-20 years?


Top Image: Photo by Nik on Unsplash.

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