Remembering The 1956 Hungarian Uprising

hungarian uprising 1956

A nationwide uprising against the Hungarian People’s Republic and the policies that resulted from that government’s submission to the Soviet Union (USSR), began on this day in 1956.

Hungarians formed revolutionary militias to fight against the ÁVH (State Protection Authority), political prisoners were liberated and armed, and local Hungarian Communist leaders and ÁVH police were captured and executed. Many of the brave patriots were Nationalists and National Socialists who had endured Soviet occupation since late 1944.

On November 4, 1956, Soviet tanks and troops brutally suppressed the nationwide revolt in Hungary that had begun just twelve days earlier. Nearly a quarter of a million Hungarians fled the country, and thousands were killed or injured in the vicious street fighting.

Hungary was the only Axis power that never surrendered and fought on until their country was totally defeated. The world may have forgotten about the brave stand of the Hungarians against their Soviet occupiers, but we Nationalists haven’t.

Video: Lazio Curva Nord sings Avanti Regazzi Di Buda tribute to the Hungarian Revolution. “Forward Youth of Buda(pest)” is an Italian anti-communist song.

From WikiPedia

“Avanti ragazzi di Buda” is also known in Hungary as Előre Budai Srácok. In September 2019, the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who was then a guest of a demonstration of the political party Brothers of Italy, defined the song as “the most beautiful one ever composed about the 1956 revolution”.

The song is also often sung as a football chant by ultras of the S.S. Lazio football team. In 2020, it was announced that Pingitore would be awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit for writing the song.

A communist killed in the uprising.


Top Image: FOTO:FORTEPAN / Nagy Gyula, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
Lower Image: The corpse of a communist officer killed defending the headquarters of the Hungarian Communist Party, Republic Square, Budapest. FOTO:FORTEPAN / Nagy Gyula, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

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