Continuing the series by council insider and Nationalist correspondent: ‘Frustrated’
Four months after Labour insider Andrew Neather’s dreadful disclosure in the Evening Standard on October 23rd 2009, Melanie Phillips wrote another article in the Daily Mail exposing Labour’s mass immigration plotting on February 24th 2010, titled “At last we know the truth: Labour despises anyone who loves Britain, its values and its history.”
Phillips was reacting to new damning evidence from Freedom of Information requests obtained by MigrationWatch about Labour’s original Cabinet Office Immigration report in 2000 that confirmed “sensitive” parts that were excised (redacted) from the final version, just like Andrew Neather wrote in his article!
Phillips wrote: “MigrationWatch obtained an early draft (of the immigration report) that revealed that the Labour Government’s intention was to encourage mass immigration for ‘social objectives’ – in other words, to produce a more ethnically diverse society – but that on no fewer than six occasions this phrase was removed from the final version, published some three months later.”
Consequently, Mellanie Phillips justifiably asserted: “These early drafts of the advisory unit’s report have blown open one of the greatest political scandals of the Labour years.”
Phillips confidentially declared: “Now we know for a certainty…” the Government embarked on a policy of mass immigration to change Britain into a multicultural society – and they kept this momentous aim secret from the people (the white working class) whose votes they sought.”
Phillips expressed her astonishment: “The implications of this covert policy are quite staggering. Ministers deliberately set out to change the cultural and ethnic identity of this country in secret.”
Phillips attempted to explain why Labour committed this act of national sabotage against Britain; “They did this mainly because they hated what Britain was, a largely homogeneous society rooted in 1,000 years of history. They therefore set out to replace it by a totally new kind of multicultural society – and one in which the vast majority of newcomers could be expected to vote Labour.”
Phillips continued: “They set out to destroy the right of the British people to live in a society defined by a common history, religion, law, language and traditions. They set out to destroy for ever what it means to be culturally British, and to put another ‘multicultural’ identity in its place.”
Concerning immigrant criminal gangs, Phillips wrote: “They further concealed official warnings that large-scale immigration would bring about significant increases in crime, notably a plague of Muslim drug and sex trafficking gangs, preying on vulnerable young, white working-class girls.”
Phillips therefore concluded: “There could scarcely be a more profound abuse of the democratic process than to set out to destroy a nation’s demographic and cultural identity through a conscious deception of the people of that nation. It is an act of collective national treachery.”
Phillips is Jewish, so she was able to condemn Labour’s mass immigration treachery without being accused of being a racist. Her articles about the Andrew Neather affair were refreshingly honest.
Her articles, together with the damning evidence obtained by MigrationWatch, clearly proved that the Labour government was guilty of treason against our nation and also of plotting genocidal policies intended to harm and endanger the native white people of Britain with a dangerous influx of non-white immigrants.
When Melanie Phillips wrote this article in February 2010, a General Election was imminent, as it is now (probably next year in late 2024). So I feel that her closing comments in her article are as valid now as they were in 2010, and white working-class people should heed them before thinking of voting Labour:
“Now we face imminently another General Election. And now we know that in their hearts, Labour politicians hold the great mass of the British public, many of them their own voters, in total contempt.”
Links to other posts in the series can be found here:
Labour’s UK Kalergi Plan: Part 1
Labour’s UK Kalergi Plan: Part 2
Labour’s UK Kalergi Plan: Part 3
Top Image: Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, creator of the plan, pictured c. 1930. Unknown photographer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
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