Strength Through Joy At Yuletide

BM litter pick in Manchester

Over the week-long consumer fest commonly called Christmas, many of our folk spend their time celebrating gluttony and sloth. Fortunately, there are still people who put our land and people before themselves, and when all around them are getting ‘merry’, they decide to put their ideals into practice.

The following activist report comes from our North West comrades once again.

Friday December 22nd.

Today, an activist from BM Greater Manchester did a good deed by cleaning up Longford Park, Stretford, Manchester. The activist managed to fill up two bin bags with rubbish. Looking after your country and respecting nature is a natural instinct of a National Socialist.

Looking after our land at Yuletide.
Manchester BM show the true Strength Through Joy spirit.

Well done comrade!


Top Image: Generic litter image. Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash
Lower Images: British Movement Northern

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