The Brierfield Connection

illegal drugs

Another Story of Cultural Enrichment for Lancashire.

Once again for readers of British Movement Northern Region, we are provided with yet more evidence of the negative ‘cultural enrichment’ of British society by the forces of multiculturalism. And, once again Preston Crown Court provides a window on this cultural enrichment, which the usual liberal and left-wing elements in the national news media prefer not to report on.

Preston Crown Court heard how a police patrol had stopped and searched two suspicious vehicles on Chapel Street, Brierfield, Lancashire, on the night of September 11th 2021. Standing alongside the two cars were two Asian men, Khalil Hussain and his brother Munir Hussain.

A police search of the first vehicle, a grey Audi, produced several small bags of cocaine, intended for street sales, a mobile phone, and £285 in cash. A search of the second vehicle, a grey BMW produced a set of electronic scales, (later shown to have traces of cocaine), a number of small plastic bags, identical to those containing cocaine found in the Audi, another mobile phone and £160 in cash. Both mobile phones were later linked to drug deals.

The forensic analysis of the cocaine seized from the cars was shown to be 76% pure. A search of Khalil Hussain’s property in Brierfield yielded more evidence of cocaine dealing, another mobile phone with drug dealing related messages and a tick list, more bags and packages of cocaine, plus £4,900 in cash.

The sentencing taking place at Preston Crown Court in late July 2023 was based on earlier court appearances; in February 2023, Khalil Hussain had pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply cocaine. In June 2023, Munir Hussain had pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine. Interestingly both men were no strangers to the criminal justice system.

Munir Hussain, age 43, from Cheetham Hill, Manchester, had a previous record of 42 convictions for 93 offences. Khalil Hussain, age 41, now of no fixed address but with links to Brierfield, had a previous record of 26 convictions for 56 offences.

The judge at Preston sentenced Munir Hussain to 6 years and 3 months in prison. Khalil Hussain was sentenced to 2 years and 7 months in prison.

Is this really British justice? Given the previous records of these two men, the sentences imposed at Preston are remarkably light. In addition, these two men were directly involved in dealing in illegal narcotics and were pushing cocaine out into the communities of east Lancashire.

As this site has said before, illegal drugs and the use of narcotics are toxins poisoning British society. While it is well established that many illegal drug pushers and dealers are white, the numbers of people from ethnic minority communities involved in this trade are disproportionate to their overall presence in the British population.

Khalil Hussain (left) and Munir Hussain.


Top Image: Photo by Colin Davis on Unsplash.
Lower Image: Khalil Hussain (left) and Munir Hussain (Image: Lancashire Police).

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