The Injustice Of British Justice

sameer anjum

At Leeds Crown Court, the mother of an Islamist terrorist was convicted of failing to disclose information about acts of terrorism and also of possessing terrorist material – an ISIS video.

Nabeela Anjum had failed to notify the police that her son, Sameer Anjum, had been communicating with another male who was organising a large-scale terrorist attack. Drill rapper Al-Arfat Hassan, 21, who had used his ‘music’ to “glorify” Islamic State killings, was convicted and sentenced at the Old Bailey last February to five years in prison with a further two years on licence.

Sameer Anjum, 17, Nabeela Anjum’s son, was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison for having terrorist material – the same video that Hassan had – and for withholding information about acts of terrorism.

The glaring inconsistences shown by British courts when dealing with certain offences is evident in the sentencing of Hassan and Anjum. A paltry five-year prison sentence for Al-Arfat Hassan, who had watched the same ISIS video tutorial used by the Manchester Arena bomber, Salman Abedi, and had bought two of the three chemicals needed to make a similar bomb.

Sameer Anjum was given two-and-a-half years in prison, a sentence that is no deterrent, if such a thing exists when dealing with Islamic fanatics who want to commit mass murder. His mother, Nabeela Anjum, 48, a biomedical scientist at St. James’s Hospital in Leeds, is awaiting sentence.

In modern Britain, judicial appointments are made by a selection committee, which has a specific statutory duty to “encourage diversity in the range of persons available for selection for appointments”. Racial Nationalists and football fans can expect no leniency from the courts and custodial sentences for the most minor offences are the norm.

A case in point is Sam Melia, Yorkshire organiser of Patriotic Alternative. He received two years in prison for producing paper stickers which the prosecution admitted were legal and had incited no-one to commit any crime. He is a hard-working father of two (his wife Laura has recently given birth to their second child) and had no criminal record.

Tellingly, the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police, John Robins, QPM DL, has just announced a Police Race Action Plan, the aim of which is to create a police service which is anti-racist and trusted by Black people.

“I am sorry for the way policing has treated black people across West Yorkshire in the past, I truly am. I cannot change the past, but I can change the future. I want us to become an anti-racist organisation. That is what the Police Race Action Plan is about.” Chief Constable John Robins.

The html version of the report can be viewed here >>


Top Image: Sameer Anjum on TikTok.
Video: YouTube.

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