Trial Of Alleged Labour Pervert Set For 2024

alleged paedophile Ron Grahame

A new date has been set for the sex-abuse trial of a former Leeds Labour councillor, Ron Grahame. Now 79 years old, Grahame denies a string of offences dating back more than 40 years. The case has already been adjourned four times because of questions raised over his fitness to plead, and more recently, due to a delay in medical reports on his health.

We have previously reported on the attempt by Grahame’s legal team to have a Trial of Facts held instead of a full criminal trial. Read our earlier post here>>

The trial will now begin on April 10, 2024, it was decided during a brief hearing at Leeds Crown Court. Prior to that, a hearing will be scheduled to determine his fitness to plead, at a date yet to be set.

Grahame, an ex Burmantofts and Richmond Hill councillor, was originally charged in December 2020. He denies attempting to rape a girl under 16 years of age between October 4, 1981 and October 4, 1982. He is also charged with attempting to commit a further serious sexual offence and faces two of indecent assault on a girl under the age of 14, between October 4, 1980 and October 4, 1982. He also denies each of those charges.

At a hearing in July 2021, Grahame, of Swardale Green, Swarcliffe, was assessed as being fit to enter pleas to the charges brought against him.

His wife, Pauleen Grahame, is still the serving member for the Cross Gates and Whinmoor ward in Leeds. Her husband denies all of the allegations.


Top Image: Leeds City Council.

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