Mental Health: The Get-Out-Of-Jail Free Card

get out of jail free card

BBC presenter Huw Edwards, who allegedly paid £35,000 for explicit photographs of a 17-year-old vunerable girl, was/is reportedly being treated at the Priory (a private addiction rehab & mental health hospital favoured by celebrities), at a reported cost of £1500 per night for ‘mental health’ issues after his recent spectacular fall from grace.

ITV ‘star’ Phillip Schofield, exposed after having a homosexual affair with a young co-worker on his This Morning show, was also reported to be feeling depressed and suicidal when his sordid secret came to light.

In case after case across the world, Islamic terrorists are described as ‘mentally ill’ after going on a murder spree in countries that have given them refuge from ‘persecution’. Mental health is the latest form of a ‘Get Out Of Jail Free’ card used by celebrities and the old gang politicians to escape punishment and evoke sympathy from a gullible public.

In Leeds, the sex abuse trial of a former Labour Councillor has been plagued with delays after it was claimed that he was suffering from mental health issues… and a doctor’s report delay has just forced an adjournment for a fourth time.

For over forty-years, Ron Grahame, of Swardale Green, Swarcliffe, represented the Labour Party on Leeds City Council. He was first elected to represent the Whinmoor ward in 1982, but later became the elected Councillor for Burmantofts and Richmond Hill until May 2022, despite being charged with the sex offenses in December 2020.

The 79-year-old Labour Party bigwig, who for many years was regarded as ‘Labour Party royalty’, is accused of attempted rape and severe sex offences against a female in the 1980s. Grahame’s trial was scheduled to take place at Leeds Crown Court in June and then again in December of last year, as well as in April and July of 2023, but it was repeatedly postponed due to concerns about his fitness to stand trial. Grahame denies all allegations.

The alleged paedophile and Labour Party councillor, Ron Grahame.

Despite the shame and embarrassment of Grahame being an alleged pervert, his wife, Pauleen Grahame, is still the serving member for the Cross Gates and Whinmoor ward in Leeds. She is not up for re-election until 2026, although we’d have thought she’d have done what any caring spouse would do when their partner becomes ‘gravely ill’: resign and spend your time looking after them. In fact Ms Grahame’s calendar is packed full with council business.

The former Burmantofts and Richmond Hill councillor’s health was previously evaluated by a neurologist, who concluded that he was able to stand trial. Judge Andrew Stubbs KC stated that he wanted the doctor’s evaluation to be presented in court because he was “not satisfied” that the defendant was incompetent to stand trial.

“It’s unavoidable. We really are up against a brick wall.”

Judge Rodney Jameson speaking after adjourning the case once again.

The full charges against Grahame are one count of attempted rape of a female under 16, two counts of indecent assault of a child under the age of 14 and attempted buggery. If he is ultimately deemed incompetent to stand trial, a trial of facts appears likely to occur. Similar to a criminal proceeding, the hearing will take place in front of a jury, but ex-cllr Graheme will not participate and may not even attend court.

In contrast to a criminal trial, the jury is not required to return a guilty or not guilty verdict. The court will not impose a standard sentence, but may instead issue a number of treatment orders or an absolute discharge.

In a previous post we set out where the BM stands regarding paedophilia. We consider that those individuals who commit sexual offences against children are the lowest form of life, a constant threat to our communities and incapable of being rehabilitated.

The harshest of prison sentences, with the strictest levels of control and punishment are what is required, except for child sex-killers who must face execution. The death penalty is the most certain method of removing such dangerous human garbage from British society.


Top Image: Wikipedia – Monopoly 1935.
Lower Image: Leeds City Council.

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