Bradford to Hull: The Cultural Enrichment of ‘County Lines’ Drug Dealing

county lines drug gang

In a recent article on the BM Northern Region website, the point was raised about Bradford as an example of a multiracial, multicultural city being in the news headlines for all the wrong reasons, and the toxic by-products of so-called ‘cultural enrichment’.

Now Bradford features once again in a negative news story, this time exporting its toxic by-products to the city of Hull. A county lines drug gang operating out of Bradford groomed young men in Hull to act as the East Yorkshire end of this illegal narcotics operation.

The report here was taken from the news channel Hull Live and tells the unfortunate story;

Young Hull men convicted as county lines drug gang from Bradford taken down.

The gang distributed heroin and cocaine “A county lines gang from Bradford set up over a million-pound county lines drugs network selling cocaine and heroin in communities across Goole and Hull. The ringleaders have now been put behind bars. Three young men from Hull received non-custodial sentences and police discovered a “stash house” containing drugs, scales, and a gun in Newland Grove, off Newland Avenue.”

“On Wednesday, 23 March 2022, an address on Newland Grove in Hull was identified as the home of Tomassi. Officers executed a search and upon entering the property, Tomassi, Shakeel and Fox were located, along with a quantity of class A drugs, electronic scales, and cash.

“Officers recovered a quantity of drugs stored inside the vent of the premises and after being analysed by forensics, fingerprints were found to match those provided by Shakeel. A firearm was also recovered from the address.”

In April 2024 the trial of the gang concluded with the following sentences:

Safraz Zahir, 29, of Parsonage Road, Bradford, was charged with conspiracy to supply Class A drugs and was sentenced to nine years and seven months in prison. Zahir was also charged with two counts of possession with intent to supply class A drugs and was sentenced to three-years to run concurrently

Umair Shakeel, 25, of Ryan Street, Bradford, was charged with conspiracy to supply class A drugs. He was sentenced to eight years in prison.

Justin Horniak, 21, of Halton Place, Bradford, was charged with two counts of conspiracy to supply class A drugs. He was sentenced to six years and 11 months in prison.

Mohammed Raja, 25, Woodroyd Road, Bradford, was charged with conspiracy to supply class A drugs. He was sentenced to 34 months.

Tommy Tomassi, 22, of Queensgate Street, Hull, was charged with conspiracy to supply class A drugs and possession of a prohibited weapon. He received a 24-month community order to run concurrently.

Asher Buckingham, 19, of Terry Street, Hull, was charged with conspiracy to supply class A drugs and possession with intent to supply cannabis. He received a 24-month rehabilitation order.

Harvey Fox, 19, of Queensgate Street, Hull, was charged with possession with intent to supply class A drugs and was sentenced to an 18-month sentence, suspended for two years. He was also required to complete 120 hours of unpaid work and a 15-day rehabilitation, plus a victim surcharge.

As can be seen from the trial sentences, the older men running and funding this drug gang were all from Bradford, and all were from the ethnic minority population of the city. The younger men at the Hull end of the operation are clearly drawn from the White working-class and were no doubt recruited in their teens.

Once again, Bradford has exported the worst elements of the city to ‘culturally enrich’ both Hull and Goole, and once again it is the Asian communities of Bradford that are the driving force behind the toxic illegal drugs operations that poison working-class British communities.


Top Image: Humberside Police.
Lower Image: British Movement.

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