Helping Our Own – A Fundraiser For Kay & Paul

for those we love

The past 20 months have been tough for everyone. The Nationalist family have also lost many of our closest comrades during that time.

It was in the spirit of ‘helping our own’ that a fundraising social was organised to help out the family of Kay, a much-loved wife and mother who has cancer. Her husband, also a fellow racial Nationalist activist, selflessly offered to ‘share’ the evening with the family of Paul Armstrong, another comrade who sadly passed away recently.

A pub in Leeds was chosen as both Kay and Paul come from that city. The band Whitelaw and singer Stigger gave their time for free, ensuring that there would be a good turnout on the night. Performing a mixture of new and classic songs, Whitelaw was as entertaining as ever. Stigger was his usual self, mixing classic Skrewdriver ballads with humorous exchanges with members of the audience.

An auction of donated Nationalist gifts and memorabilia helped push up the total raised, which was then handed over to Paul’s family and Kay’s husband.

The British Movement would love to receive articles for possible inclusion on this site from members and supporters across the North of England. Please remember that we have to operate within the laws of this country – we will not include any content that is against the current laws of the United Kingdom. News reports should be topical and be relevant to the regions covered by this website.

  1. Great night and we were glad to help out the families of those who have been affected by unforeseen events. Just shows that even in times of hardship we come together as one and support and look after own!
    Thankyou to all involved for their hard work putting the event together 🇬🇧

  2. I speak on behalf of all the comrades who attended when I say we enjoyed every minute of it and it was a good turn out , something positive after a few bad years and it was all for a good cause rip Paul

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