I Was There: Hungarian Day Of Honour

hungarian day of honour

On February 25, we published a post headed ‘Mummy Help! Antifa Crybabies Plead For Special Treatment’, which took a closer look at the infamous ‘hammergang’ of Antifa, who in February 2023 travelled to Hungary in order to attack anyone they suspected of attending the “Day of Honour” annual commemoration. Many of the victims were attacked because they wore certain clothing, receiving head injuries and broken bones.

We have received the following short report from a BM comrade who attended the event in 2023 and 2024.

I was there at the Day Of Honour last year when the Antifa gang attacked a number of individuals. I can tell you exactly what happened. The Reds last year didn’t go anywhere near us, except one cameraman who was chased off. Antifa in Hungary is weak, but this scum was mostly, if not all, Germans and other foreigners.

The Antifa gang was hunting in a pack looking for anybody in the streets who was wearing clothes that made them look like Nationalists. They would run up behind individuals, hitting them on their heads with hammers. Only one of those attacked was one of ours, a German and I did have a video interview with him, and also video of some of the hammer attacks on folk who just happened to be wearing a combat jacket etc.

I was there this year as well. It was banned, but it still went ahead, a flash memorial with everybody hooded up. I have pictures and videos. Coloured smoke flares as well.

CCTV footage of a cowardly ‘Hammergang’ attack on a lone individual.

The Hungarian ‘Day of Honour’ event, which is held annually, marks the attempt by German and Hungarian troops to break through the Soviet army’s siege of the city in 1945. In 2020, after the commemoration, an estimated several thousand people began an overnight march from Budapest, following the almost 60km (37-mile) route of the breakout to a village northwest of the city.

It was reported that this year more than a thousand people set off from Buda on Saturday afternoon towards the Buda Hills. While most of the marchers were Hungarian, many travelled from across Europe to participate in the march.

According to the Budapest Police, out of three planned rallies, two were banned, and the chief of police of Budapest ordered increased control throughout the capital for the day of the event, held on February 10. The third event was also banned by the police at first, but this decision was overturned by a judge, allowing the demonstrations to go ahead as usual.

The ‘Antifa Crybabies’ post can be viewed here:

“For them, the mere pledge of ‘I believe’ is not enough, but rather the affirmation ‘I fight’.”

Adolf Hitler, Sixth Party Congress, Nuremberg, September 8, 1934.


Top Image: Facebook
Lower Image: CCTV footage of an attack on an innocent pedestrian, attacked because he was wearing the wrong clothes.

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