Open Door North East – Not In Our Name!

Open Door North East

The charity Open Door North East operates from Middlesborough and out along the Tees Valley and its activities should serve as a warning to all British Nationalists and National Socialists.

Earlier this year, the author of this article was in conversation with a British Movement activist from North Shields, who commented on the increasing number of African migrants in his town, and wondered why recently so many were being housed on Tyneside.

All too often, when we see a rising number of non-white faces appearing in our neighbourhoods, we are quick to blame the Home Office for its failure to control immigration, or government controlled schemes to disperse so-called ‘asylum seekers’ and Third World ‘refugees’ away from the south east of England.

In addition, there are those who are ideologically driven to work to turn Britain into a multi-racial and “truly multicultural” country, as has been explained in detail in the articles on the BM Northern region website by contributor ‘Frustrated’. This socialist and cultural Marxist agenda is the driving force behind the ‘Sanctury Cities’ movement, a network that operates nationally and has already been adopted by northern cities such as Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield, Hull, York and Durham to name just a few.

*** An article examining the insidious politically motivated campaign behind ‘Sanctuary cities’ will feature in a future article on this website.

However, Open Door North East is a Christian charity that purports to operate out of humanitarian and Christian motives. British Movement Northern region considers those altruistic motives to be misguided at best, and many of those being assisted, housed and “integrated” by Open Door North East are neither Christian nor deserving of charitable assistance, given how many are actually illegal immigrants.

Open Door North East has its base on Newport Road, Middlesborough, but has access to housing in all the towns along the Tees Valley and seeks to house not only single ‘refugees’ but entire migrant families, in Middlesborough, but also in Darlington, Hartlepool, Redcar, and Stockton. Beyond Teeside, the organisation also offers “accommodation” opportunities in North Yorkshire, specifically in the towns and villages around Scarborough. How Open Door North East thinks that ‘asylum seekers’ from the Middle East or Africa are going to easily ‘integrate’ into life in Scarborough or even Pickering, and Pickering is on their list, stretches belief to breaking point.

Moreover, Open Door North East, not only exists to help house these people, but has a paid team of over twenty people and forty volunteers dedicated to assisting, in its own words, ‘asylum seekers, refugees, and other migrants” to access housing, employment, free English language lessons, negotiate the benefits system and even open bank accounts. Open Door North East is currently assisting over 1,000 migrants a year, so how is that impacting the population of Teesside?

How many White British families living in poverty on Teesside would welcome such levels of help and assistance? Or those White British individuals living homeless on the streets of the towns of the Tees Valley? Apparently Open Door North East operates in partnership with several other ‘humanitarian’ organisations in order to deliver its programme, such as NE Rise and the World Jewish Relief organisation which operates globally.

On Saturday December 9th 2023, the Guardian newspaper devoted an entire page to the work of the charity Open Door North East but in typical left-wing style reported on the organisation’s work as being, “on the frontline of the UK’s latest homelessness crisis – refugees falling en masse into rough sleeping.” So where is their concern for impoverished White British families or the White British homeless including ex-military veterans?

If the facts presented above are not enough, then consider what Open Door North East has to say about their work and motivation, here in their own words:

“Supporting Refugees Alleviating Destitution Releasing Potential Helping Asylum Seekers and Refugees to settle in the UK Open Door North East is a charity, founded on Christian values, serving asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants in the Tees Valley. We provide a range of services supporting the wellbeing and integration of those seeking sanctuary in the UK. Our mission is to support those seeking sanctuary to move out of poverty and destitution and be empowered to achieve their full potential.

Open Door North East (ODNE) is an award-winning charity working with refugees and asylum seekers in the Tees Valley area since 2003. Our ambition is to alleviate and eliminate the devastating and complex effects of destitution and homelessness experienced by asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants in the Tees Valley.

Our vision statement is ‘Hope, Justice, Mercy and Dignity for those seeking sanctuary’. The values we seek to exhibit are hospitality, compassion, working together, dignity, excellence and inclusivity as we focus on our mission, ‘supporting those seeking sanctuary to move out of poverty and destitution and be empowered to achieve their full potential.

ODNE developed from one church’s desire to welcome asylum seekers who were dispersed in Middlesbrough and Stockton and has flourished over the last 20 years into a separate charity, with 19 employees and 40 volunteers supporting over 1000 people each year through a range of innovative and effective projects.

Open Door North East supports newly recognised refugees to establish themselves after they have received a positive decision on their asylum claim within their 28-day notice period across Tees Valley (Middlesbrough, Stockton, Hartlepool, Redcar & Cleveland, Darlington), through the NE RISE programme.

NE RISE is open to anyone who has been granted refugee status and/or equivalent leave to remain in the UK in the last 18 months. If ODNE is not able to assist you, you find out who can

When refugees leave their asylum accommodation, support workers from ODNE will help find them a new place to live.

NE RISE Specialist Training and Employment Programme (STEP) advisors, delivered by World Jewish Relief in partnership with ODNE, will provide personalised employment support for refugees, enabling them to gain sustainable employment.

Community Integration
A NE RISE integration coordinator from ODNE will support refugees as they settle into a new community, navigate UK systems including access to benefits and opening bank accounts, and form connections locally. They will also provide more general support based on refugees’ interests and aspirations.“

So there it is spelled out in their over enthusiastic “vision statement”, and not a single thought that their activities will have to impact on the native population of the North East. No consideration at all as to how this influx of over 1,000 non-Europeans a year will have on the racial/ethnic makeup of the population of Teesside and the long term effect on both the ethnic and cultural heritage of the Tees Valley.

Open Door North East is operating as a direct challenge to immigration controls and in complete ignorance of the Fourteen Words.


Top Image: Open Door North East advert
Lower Images: NE RISE programme

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