Police Officer Charged Under Terrorism Act 2000

Police Officer Charged Under Terrorism Act 2000

Bradford again, although the media reported that PC Mohammed Adil is based in Calderdale, the accused police officer actually lives in Bradford. 26-year-old Adil was arrested in November last year for posting images online in October and November 2023 in support of the Islamic terrorist organisation HAMAS.

Of course this is all very embarrassing for West Yorkshire Police, a force which has always boasted about its ‘diversity, equality and inclusion’ recruitment policies. It is hardly surprising to see that the mainstream media has maintained a low level of reporting on this case, as it exposes ‘diversity’ and multiculturalism within the police to closer scrutiny.

Obviously, this is treated as an ongoing case, and the media do not want to prejudice the outcome of any future trial in court, but it is interesting to note the carefully worded reports here taken from several mainstream media outlets, including the BBC.

“A West Yorkshire Police officer has been charged with two terrorism offences. PC Mohammed Adil, from Bradford, is charged with two counts of publishing an image in support of a proscribed organisation, specifically Hamas, under Section 13 of the Terrorism Act. The alleged offences relate to messages shared on WhatsApp between October and November 2023.

“PC Adil, 26, who is based in Calderdale, has been suspended by West Yorkshire Police and will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Thursday. Police watchdog the Independent Office for Police Conduct directed an investigation, which was carried out by Counter Terrorism Policing North East.”

On conclusion, it was determined the case should be referred to the Crown Prosecution Service. A spokesperson for Counter Terrorism Policing North East said: “A 26-year-old man from Bradford has been charged with terrorism offences following an investigation by Counter Terrorism Policing North East.

“Mohammed Adil is charged with two counts of publishing an image in such a way or in such circumstances as to arouse a reasonable suspicion that he is a supporter of a proscribed organisation, namely Hamas, contrary to section 13(1A) Terrorism Act 2000. Adil was arrested in November 2023 and has been bailed to appear before Westminster Magistrates Court on Thursday May 2, 2024.”

How very different if this had been a case revolving around alleged ‘Far-Right extremism’ or even a case of ‘Far-Right terrorism’. Can our readers imagine the situation if this particular police officer had been involved in investigating or arresting any British racial Nationalists?

At this present time in Britain, reported levels of public trust in the police are running at an all-time low, especially in regard to the two-tier policing of pro-Palestine or pro-Gaza demonstrations. Exactly how impartial and fair would this now arrested West Yorkshire Police officer have been towards anyone opposing a pro-Palestine or pro-Gaza demonstration?

Better still, will Counter Terrorism Policing North East be investigating other potential Hamas supporters or possible Islamic extremists in West Yorkshire Police and in other police forces across Northern England?

More cultural enrichment here in the on-line messages put out by PC Mohammed Adil: The image on November 4 had another message on it, saying: “We will hold accountable all those who occupied our lands” and “Allah will hold accountable all those who remained silent against this occupation and oppression.”

The second quote was said to be from Abu Ubaida, a spokesman for the Al-Qassam brigade, which is Hamas’s military wing. Two of Adil’s colleagues reported to their superior officers that they had viewed images posted by Adil on his WhatsApp stories, which caused them ‘concern’, the prosecution said. Adil had 1,092 contacts on his WhatsApp at the time who would have been able to access the images for 24 hours, Ms Fitzpatrick said. Adil was arrested on November 6 and had his mobile seized. He answered no comment to all questions during his interview.

What West Yorkshire Police must now consider, indeed a question for all the assorted police forces across the United Kingdom is this: how many more pro-Islamists are serving in their ranks as both uniformed police officers or, even more seriously, how many are serving in CID or other specialist branches of the police?

British Movement Northern region also wonders exactly how would PC Mohammed Adil have dealt with any British Movement activists he came into contact with? This case opens up a whole new can of worms for British justice and British policing.


Top Image: Public Domain.

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