RIP Derek – A Real East Ender

derek day rip

Main image: Derrick Day speaking at Hoxton market, alongside Martin Webster and Richard Verrall

It is with great sadness that we have to report on the passing of Derek Day, a larger-than-life character from the East End of London. Derek attended a couple of BM outdoor meetings at Hoxton Market in the 1970’s and was on good terms with Albert Chambers and the East End British Movement in the early 80’s.

The following text is reproduced with the kind permission of the North West Nationalists blog site. The original post can be found here:

Derrick Day – a very major supporter of the National Front in the 1970’s. The jewish script writer Johnny Speight admitted in a Sunday Telegraph article in the late 1970’s, that he based the TV character Alf Garnett on Derrick Day. ‘Alf Garnett’ was the jewish actor Warren Mitchell.

This TV programme/series, helped to swamp the UK with immigrants. Garnett was the ‘fool’, but his language made folk identify with his views. All psychological warfare. The UK was being softened up for what was to come, and where we are today.

We knew Derrick was a patriotic ‘hard man’, and we knew that Derrick had had dealings with the Kray twins gangsters. Derrick hated them both. In the 1970’s Derrick described the Krays as being ” Two Jewish poofs”. This was confirmed when Reg Kray died after being released from jail, due to him dying from cancer in 2000. It appears that even the Krays gave Derrick a ‘wideberth’, he was that ‘handy’.

Derrick was a supporter of Oswald Mosley way before he joined the National Front back then, as were many thousands of London East Enders. East London had a tradition of support for Mosley.

Derrick spoke many times in Rochdale to packed meetings. Always to more than 100 people, he was that popular. RIP Derrick – our old friend!

The one-and-only Derek Day. RIP comrade.

A typical comment from YouTube on the above video:

Ah. Del Day. Growing up in the nearby Whitmore estate as a kid everyone knew Derrick,he used to patrol the surrounding areas keeping an eye on everyone and made sure everything was in order. My old man knew him pretty well and told me he was pretty much the hardest fella in the area back in the 50s and 60s and even the Krays gave him a wide berth.

  1. Derrick died after a animal rights demo in Clapton or Harwich where he lived,he spoke at Hoxton rallys with McLaughlin in 1976 and 1978 ,as for the Krays in was one of the Firm that opened up his face , and for the hardest man in Hoxton at the time in ole (, English) it was Danny the Bull

  2. He passed away in the mid 1990’s just after a demo for animal rights in Clapton or Harwich where he had lived this was 1994 or 1995 RIP

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