Scotland’s First Minister Shows His True Colours

Humza Yousaf

37-year-old Humza Yousaf has been named as the new leader of the Scottish National Party to replace the outgoing Nicola Sturgeon. After his first night in Bute House (the official residence of the First Minister of Scotland), he tweeted a photo of the males in his family at prayer after breaking their fast together. Not surprisingly, no women could be seen.

“Independence gives us the means to transform our country and unleash the opportunity to take forward bold and ambitious changes, without being held back by Westminster”

Humza Yousaf

Yousaf stated his support for the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill, while his opponents in the leadership election, Kate Forbes and Ash Regan, opposed it. He plans to fight the UK Government over the Bill which it previously blocked, his campaign manager has announced.

So the new First Minister believes in equality for men who self-identify as women, but when it comes to prayers, the women in his life have to go into a different room away from the men. Double standards or what?

Yousaf was born to Pakistani immigrants in Glasgow, and he began working as a parliamentary assistant for Bashir Ahmad, the first Muslim elected to the Scottish Parliament in 2007. In 2012, he became the first Muslim to be appointed to the Scottish government.

In 2018 he became justice secretary, introducing the Hate Crime and Public Order bill, which made “stirring up hatred” on religion, sexual orientation, age, disability and transgender identities an offence. We wonder what he would have thought if the word White was replaced by Asian in this video?


Top Image: Yousaf and the male members of his family at prayer in Bute House. Image from Twitter.

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